How do you use promulgate in a sentence? Promulgate in a Sentence 🔉 The purpose of the documentary is to promulgate the importance of raising funds for additional cancer research. Because the minister wants to promulgate his religious beliefs, he is producing a television show that will air next year. What does promulgated mean in […]
What is attached to membrane systems or scattered in the cytoplasm?
What is attached to membrane systems or scattered in the cytoplasm? membranous sustem consisting of flattened sacs and vesicles; packages proteins for export. attached to membrane systems or scattered in the cytoplasm; synthesize proteins. What is scattered in the cytoplasm? All the cellular components of a bacterial cell are scattered throughout the cytoplasm and one […]
How many calories should I eat to lose weight if I weigh 200 pounds?
How many calories should I eat to lose weight if I weigh 200 pounds? 7 Essential Facts About Metabolism and Weight Loss So a 200-pound person who wants to lose two pounds a week will calculate that they need to cut out 1,000 calories a day. Keep this up and you could lose 50 pounds […]
What did Aboriginal people use for clothing?
What did Aboriginal people use for clothing? Cloaks were traditionally made of a wide range of animal skins. Koori people in Victoria and New South Wales preferred a possum skin cloak, whilst the Noongar peoples’ of Western Australia had a preference for kangaroo and wallaby. What materials did Aboriginal use? Traditionally, materials used by Australian […]
What is the purpose of the Manunggul jar?
What is the purpose of the Manunggul jar? The Manunggul Jar shows that the Filipinos’ maritime culture is paramount that it reflected its ancestors’ religious beliefs. Many epics around the Philippines would tell how souls go to the next life, aboard boats, pass through the rivers and seas. This belief is connected with the Austronesian […]
What small animals live in the rainforest?
What small animals live in the rainforest? Small animals, including monkeys, birds, snakes, rodents, frogs, and lizards are common in the tropical rainforest. Many of these animals and a multitude of insects never set foot on the ground. The animals use the tall trees and understory for shelter, hiding places from their predators, and a […]
What does a Wilga mean?
What does a Wilga mean? : an Australian plant of the genus Geijera (family Rutaceae) especially : a tree (G. parviflora) with aromatic hard wood and foliage resembling that of a willow. How much does a Wilga cost? PZL-104 MA WILGA 2000 PZL-104 MA WILGA 2000 Base price: $211,595 TBO (hrs.): 2000 Horsepower on takeoff: […]
What was a concubine in the Old Testament?
What was a concubine in the Old Testament? Background of the Concubine It is usually translated into English as “concubine” and understood to refer to a wife or sexual partner of secondary status. Although certain men in the Hebrew Bible have both wives and concubines, no wives or additional concubines are referred to in Judges […]
What is the stem cell that gives rise to all formed elements?
What is the stem cell that gives rise to all formed elements? Stem cells in the red bone marrow are called hemocytoblasts. They give rise to all of the formed elements in blood. Which cell came from a lymphoid stem cell? Lymphoid lineage cells include T, B, and natural killer (NK) cells, while megakaryocytes and […]
Why are amphibians important to the environment?
Why are amphibians important to the environment? Amphibians play essential roles, both as predators and prey, in their ecosystems. Adult amphibians eat pest insects, including those pests that damage crops or spread disease. Amphibians also have important functions in the food webs of both aquatic and terrestrial systems. What would happen if amphibians went extinct? […]