Do you get whipped in the army? This item was used to inflict whippings on any non-commissioned officer or enlisted man for various offences. In the latter case, the number of lashes was ordered by regimental or general court-marshal. The maximum sentence that could be meted out in the Army was 1,200 lashes, often resulting […]
What can a mayor do?
What can a mayor do? The mayor is the chief executive officer, centralizing executive power. The mayor directs the administrative structure, appointing and removing of department heads. While the council has legislative power, the mayor has veto power. The council does not oversee daily operations. What should I ask a candidate? Best Interview Questions to […]
How is Victoria Falls being protected?
How is Victoria Falls being protected? The property is protected under the National Heritage Conservation Act (1998) and the Zambia Wildlife Act on the Zambia part and the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Act Cap. What conservation efforts are in place to protect Victoria Falls? We are very thankful to them for their dedication and hard […]
How many cm a year do lithospheric plates move?
How many cm a year do lithospheric plates move? They move at a rate of one to two inches (three to five centimeters) per year. How many centimeters do the Pacific plates move per year? The Pacific Plate is moving to the northwest at a speed of between 7 and 11 centimeters (cm) or ~3-4 […]
What is the fastest way to lower triglycerides naturally?
What is the fastest way to lower triglycerides naturally? Increase your intake of unsaturated fats Studies show that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can reduce blood triglyceride levels, especially when they’re replacing carbs in your diet ( 29 ). Monounsaturated fats are found in foods like olive oil, nuts, and avocados. How do you get my […]
How do primary and secondary economics differ?
How do primary and secondary economics differ? Primary Sector refers to the sector wherein the production of goods and services is done by the exploitation of natural resources. Secondary Sector refers to the economic sector which transforms raw materials into finished goods through a manufacturing process which has more utility. What is the difference between […]
What are the body systems of a crayfish?
What are the body systems of a crayfish? Basically, crayfish internal anatomy includes the following systems: the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the nervous system, and the reproductive system. The majority of the internal organs are located in the Cephalothorax of the crayfish (the so-called head-chest area). What are the two parts […]
Is gravity the same as density?
Is gravity the same as density? Density is defined as mass per unit volume. It has the SI unit kg m-3 or kg/m3 and is an absolute quantity. Specific gravity is the ratio of a material’s density with that of water at 4 °C (where it is most dense and is taken to have the […]
What is life like for an orphan?
What is life like for an orphan? Children living in orphanages tend to lead fairly structured lives. Due to the nature of an orphanage – many children, and fewer caregivers – life happens on a schedule. Children get up, get cleaned, eat, learn, and recreate in a regimented way. How were orphans treated in the […]
Can you break the bridge in coral canyons on Animal Jam?
Can you break the bridge in coral canyons on Animal Jam? When most of the Jammers have joined the group jumping, eagles will appear below and fly out from under the bridge to flee the falling boulders. However, the bridge cannot be broken further than this point even when the room is full and all […]