What are the benefits of the emerald ash borer?

What are the benefits of the emerald ash borer? Less EAB damage allows young ash trees to remain healthier and better able to counteract subsequent EAB damage through plant resistance. These findings indicate that biocontrol will improve ash tree regeneration in North American forests. Can you use ash borer wood? It is safe to burn […]

What are two short vowels?

What are two short vowels? If “short” vowels are sounds (regardless of spelling), then the following are short vowels too: “a” spelt as in “plait”, “salmon”, and “Fahrenheit”, “e” spelt as in “bread”, “said”, “says”, “any”, “leopard”, “heifer”, “friend”, and “bury”, “i” spelt as in “gym”, “pretty”, “busy”, “sieve”, and “women”, Which words both have […]

How did the migrant Labour system affect the family?

How did the migrant Labour system affect the family? The migrant labour system resulted in fatherless homes as fathers were in the city working in low-paying jobs and only returning home once a year. In many cases these young women are single mothers who receive no help from their baby’s father. These women are forced […]

How do you become a member of ALFURSAN?

How do you become a member of ALFURSAN? Alfursan Silver Elite: To qualify for Alfursan Silver Elite membership you need to earn 25,000 Status Miles or fly 20 international sectors in one calendar year. To maintain your Alfursan Silver Elite membership you will need to earn 20,000 Status Miles or fly 15 international sectors during […]

What kind of insurance covers veneers?

What kind of insurance covers veneers? Yes, like porcelain veneers, composite veneers are covered by private health insurance. They fall under the “major dental” category of your dental extras cover. How much does a full set of porcelain veneers cost? How much does a full set of veneers cost? Those looking to correct cosmetic issues […]

What does a mangonel look like?

What does a mangonel look like? The Mangonel consists of a long wood arm with a bucket (early models used a sling) with a rope attached to the end. The arm is then pulled back (from natural 90o angle) then energy was stored in the tension of the rope and the arm. Then the bucket […]

What animal family is a spider?

What animal family is a spider? arachnids The arachnids (class Arachnida) are an arthropod group that includes spiders, daddy longlegs, scorpions, mites, and ticks as well as lesser-known subgroups. Is a spider an animal or insect? Spiders are invertebrates but are not considered insects because they only have two main body parts instead of three, […]

Where do most of the cashews come from?

Where do most of the cashews come from? Sprouting like a tail from the bottom of an oddly-shaped fruit, the cashew, in its natural state, is both very weird-looking and very poisonous. While many of the cashews produced for commerce come from Africa and India, the cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale) is native to tropical regions […]

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