What are two short vowels?

What are two short vowels? If “short” vowels are sounds (regardless of spelling), then the following are short vowels too: “a” spelt as in “plait”, “salmon”, and “Fahrenheit”, “e” spelt as in “bread”, “said”, “says”, “any”, “leopard”, “heifer”, “friend”, and “bury”, “i” spelt as in “gym”, “pretty”, “busy”, “sieve”, and “women”, Which words both have […]

What type of business is car sales?

What type of business is car sales? A car dealership, or vehicle local distribution, is a business that sells new or used cars at the retail level, based on a dealership contract with an automaker or its sales subsidiary. It can also carry a variety of Certified Pre-Owned vehicles. It employs automobile salespeople to sell […]

What animal family is a spider?

What animal family is a spider? arachnids The arachnids (class Arachnida) are an arthropod group that includes spiders, daddy longlegs, scorpions, mites, and ticks as well as lesser-known subgroups. Is a spider an animal or insect? Spiders are invertebrates but are not considered insects because they only have two main body parts instead of three, […]

Where do most of the cashews come from?

Where do most of the cashews come from? Sprouting like a tail from the bottom of an oddly-shaped fruit, the cashew, in its natural state, is both very weird-looking and very poisonous. While many of the cashews produced for commerce come from Africa and India, the cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale) is native to tropical regions […]

Where can I catch Lickitung in Pokemon Platinum?

Where can I catch Lickitung in Pokemon Platinum? Sinnoh Platinum Diamond Walking in tall grass or a cave Lake Valor +40% L34–36 Route 215 10% L20 How does Lickitung evolve in Platinum? Evolving into Lickilicky. Level up Lickitung one more time when it knows Rollout. Once Likitung levels up while knowing Rollout, it will immediately […]

What is Europe replacement rate?

What is Europe replacement rate? Europe. The average total fertility rate in the European Union (EU-27) is calculated at 1.55 children per woman in 2018. What is the replacement rate? Replacement rate refers to the percentage of an individual’s annual employment income that is replaced by retirement income when they retire. Replacement rates are often […]

What does a mangonel look like?

What does a mangonel look like? The Mangonel consists of a long wood arm with a bucket (early models used a sling) with a rope attached to the end. The arm is then pulled back (from natural 90o angle) then energy was stored in the tension of the rope and the arm. Then the bucket […]

When a battery is in use stored chemical energy?

When a battery is in use stored chemical energy? A battery is a device that stores chemical energy and converts it to electrical energy. The chemical reactions in a battery involve the flow of electrons from one material (electrode) to another, through an external circuit. The flow of electrons provides an electric current that can […]

Where is Rondo now?

Where is Rondo now? Los Angeles Lakers#4 / Point guard Rajon Rondo/Current teams Will Rondo be bought out? Former Boston Celtics champion point guard Rajon Rondo has been bought out by the Memphis Grizzlies after being traded there by his former team, the Los Angeles Clippers, according to ESPN NBA insider Adrian Wojnarowski. Is Rajon […]

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