What is the advantages of a long coastline?

What is the advantages of a long coastline? What are the advantages of a long coast line? maritime trade – allows India to trade most of the world countries. tourism – a long coastline is very well known for tourism e.g, TN,Kerala, Goa. low cost of imports and exports – through sea transport it’s cheaper […]

Are net guns illegal?

Are net guns illegal? The Net gun is not a firearm and is classified as a legal tool that is used widely by the people all across the globe. The best thing about the net guns is that it is legal and can be used and owned by anyone without any restrictions. Net Guns are […]

What age can you use Epiduo?

What age can you use Epiduo? Epiduo is indicated in adults, adolescents and children aged 9 years and over. Epiduo should be applied to the entire acne affected areas once a day in the evening on a clean and dry skin. Can anyone use Epiduo? Epiduo gel is only suitable for adults and children over […]

What Vertebrate Group is a panda?

What Vertebrate Group is a panda? Pandas are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Carnivora, families Ailuridae and Ursidae. Are red pandas invertebrates or vertebrates? Ailuridae. Ailuridae (Red Pandas) is a family of mammals. They are omnivores. They rely on running to move around. Is panda a mammal or not? giant […]

What is transmit beamforming?

What is transmit beamforming? Transmit beamforming is a versatile technique for signal transmission from an array of N antennas to one or multiple users [1]. In wireless communications, the goal is to increase the signal power at the intended user and reduce interference to non-intended users. How does beamforming improve network service? By focusing a […]

What is a way for citizens to propose new laws?

What is a way for citizens to propose new laws? The ballot initiative process gives California citizens a way to propose laws and constitutional amendments without the support of the Governor or the Legislature. In what type of election can citizens propose new laws quizlet? Terms in this set (8) citizens get proposals for new […]

What is the University of Georgia marching band called?

What is the University of Georgia marching band called? the Redcoat Marching Band Known for its appearances at University of Georgia football games, the Redcoat Marching Band (MUSI 4835) was founded 1905 as a section of the UGA Military Department. How many are in the Redcoat Band? What started as 20 military cadets slowly grew […]

What is fixed cost example?

What is fixed cost example? Common examples of fixed costs include rental lease or mortgage payments, salaries, insurance, property taxes, interest expenses, depreciation, and potentially some utilities. Is software a fixed cost? Fixed IT costs generally are defined as long-term expenditures (over more than one year) to which an organization has committed. Typically, these costs […]

What countries border Belgium?

What countries border Belgium? The country has a total of 860 miles (1,385 km) of land boundaries with neighbours; it is bounded by the Netherlands to the north, Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, and France to the south. What are 5 major cities in Belgium? In 2019, in terms of population, the […]

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