Why cant I move my arms and legs when I wake up?

Why cant I move my arms and legs when I wake up? This is called sleep paralysis, and it can be a frightening situation. You’re stuck somewhere in between dreaming and wakefulness, and you can’t move. 2) The nerve compression has led to a temporary paralysis (perhaps because you got stuck in a compressed position […]

Is sugar naturally made?

Is sugar naturally made? Naturally occurring sugars are found naturally in foods such as fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose). Added sugars include any sugars or caloric sweeteners that are added to foods or beverages during processing or preparation (such as putting sugar in your coffee or adding sugar to your cereal). Is sugar natural or […]

Why is PetSmart not selling fish 2021?

Why is PetSmart not selling fish 2021? The warning says the invasive species can easily cause “environmental and economic harm” to the region. The aquarium sections of Petco and Petsmart sell plant life for fish tanks. These creatures are classified as an aquatic invasive species and can wreak havoc on the environment. Does PetSmart sell […]

What did ancient Greece leave behind?

What did ancient Greece leave behind? What was the legacy of ancient Greece? The ancient Greeks left a long standing mark on the modern world by developing new government systems called democracy, architecture, sports, art, theater, philosophy, science, mathematics, and by inventing new technologies. What did the Minoans leave behind? Scientists have discovered Minoan building […]

What is a serving size of ham salad?

What is a serving size of ham salad? 1/2 Cup Ham Salad Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1/2 Cup Amount Per Serving Calories 280 % Daily Value Total Fat 23g 35% How many calories are in ham sliced? Nutrition Facts Amount Per Serving Calories 70 Calories from Fat 20 % Daily Value* Total Fat 2.5g 3% […]

How much space is Yellowstone?

How much space is Yellowstone? Yellowstone encompasses 3,472 square miles (2,221,766 acres) which makes it larger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined. Aerial view of the Upper Geyser Basin. Old Faithful can be seen in the top right corner of the photo. How much of the US would be affected by Yellowstone? In all, the […]

How much does an elderly man weigh?

How much does an elderly man weigh? The average American man 20 years old and up weighs 197.9 pounds . The average waist circumference is 40.2 inches, and the average height is just over 5 feet 9 inches (about 69.1 inches) tall….What’s the Average Weight for Men? Age group (Years) Average weight (Pounds) 60 and […]

When did St Teresa of Avila get canonized?

When did St Teresa of Avila get canonized? 1622 Teresa of Ávila, also called Saint Teresa of Jesus, original name Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, (born March 28, 1515, Ávila, Spain—died October 4, 1582, Alba de Tormes; canonized 1622; feast day October 15), Spanish nun, one of the great mystics and religious women of the […]

What would happen if the mass of earth decreased?

What would happen if the mass of earth decreased? If the mass will decrease, then gravitational attraction between earth and sun must decrease, and its angular momentum must decrease, which would result in greater orbit of earth and earth being cooler over the time, but instead the temperature of earth is increasing, why is it […]

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