What was life like for soldiers on the frontier?

What was life like for soldiers on the frontier? Life in the frontier forts was rigidly regulated by the bugle, which sounded duty assignments nearly every hour, starting with reveille at 5 or 6 A.M. and lasting until an evening dress parade and lights out at 9:30 P.M. The soldiers, clad in blue woolen uniforms, […]

How important is communicative competence?

How important is communicative competence? Importance Of Communicative Competence In English As A Foreign Language. The oral expression ability is one the most important skills in the acquisition of a foreign language because through speaking, thoughts and knowledge are transmitted. Why is communicative competence important in our day to day living? Communication plays a vital […]

How do I reset my Samsung fridge freezer?

How do I reset my Samsung fridge freezer? Holding the “power freeze” and “power cool” buttons and the same time for five seconds works on most Samsung models. These two buttons appear on most Samsung refrigerators. Holding both of them at the same time for several seconds will usually reset the fridge. Some fridges also […]

Where did the word mulatto originally come from?

Where did the word mulatto originally come from? The term mulatto is derived from the Mexican and Portuguese root word “mula” meaning mule, the offspring of a horse and a donkey. The term was then used as a slur to describe multiracial children during slavery when Black people were treated more like animals than human […]

Are recorder notes the same as piano notes?

Are recorder notes the same as piano notes? My daughter (7 years old) can play recorder and is learning to play the piano. For the recorder, she sometimes has the letters written under the notes. Is flute and piano notes the same? Yes … the treble clef note in piano music are the same as […]

What is an activity in an organization?

What is an activity in an organization? Organization-sustaining activities are those actions taken to maintain the operations of a business. For example, a company must pay property taxes, utilities, and insurance, irrespective of what it does to produce goods for sale or provide services to customers. What are the different forms and activities of business […]

Can a grandparent take custody from a father?

Can a grandparent take custody from a father? A parenting order can also be made to grant custody of the child to the grandparent. A grandparent can receive full or shared custody of their grandchild. Orders for custody may be necessary when the parent of the child is unable, unwilling or has no capacity to […]

Who is the owner of SPAR?

Who is the owner of SPAR? Groupe Casino SPAR Group SPAR/Parent organizations When was SPAR established in South Africa? 1963 SPAR South Africa was established in 1963 and operates four retail formats: SPAR Supermarkets, SPAR Express (operated in conjunction with Shell as a petrol forecourt store), KWIKSPAR (which focuses on convenience in city centres and […]

Why is ultrasound important in pregnancy?

Why is ultrasound important in pregnancy? Ultrasound is used during pregnancy to check the baby’s development and to help pick up any abnormalities such as Down syndrome. Since the procedure can’t produce high quality images, any suspected abnormalities need to be confirmed with other tests. Are ultrasounds really necessary? Ultrasounds are only necessary if there […]

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