What do you call a human with 3 legs?

What do you call a human with 3 legs? A triskelion (or triskele, from Greek τρισκελης “three-legged”) is a symbol consisting of three bent human legs, or, more generally, three interlocked spirals (joined in such a way that the overall emblem has a threefold rotational symmetry, but no reflection symmetries). Which word means an object […]

What is a major difference between the Texas and U.S. constitutions?

What is a major difference between the Texas and U.S. constitutions? The U.S. Constitution concentrates executive power in the president. The Texas Constitution creates a plural executive that shares executive power across multiple elected offices. The Texas Constitution allows the governor to veto specific items contained within budget appropriations bills passed by the legislature. What […]

Which flowers spread their fragrance?

Which flowers spread their fragrance? 9 flowers that can fill your lives with fragrance Rose. Found in Asia, Europe, and North America, roses are often exclusively grown for their petal perfumes. Tuberose. Considered sacred in India, tuberose blossoms are widely used for wedding garlands. Jasmine. Gardenia (Cape Jasmine) Cestrum Nocturnum. How do you extract scents […]

What does pending mean on an application?

What does pending mean on an application? The “Pending” status, means that your application has been successfully submitted, but is awaiting documentation from your designated recommenders or references. Why is my care com pending approval? If your applications are pending approval it’s because either your service profile has not been approved or if you are […]

How long do u go to jail for drink driving?

How long do u go to jail for drink driving? Up to six months in prison. An unlimited fine. A driving ban for at least on year (or three years, if convicted twice in 10 years) What is the average punishment for drink driving? Driving or attempting to drive while above the legal limit or […]

How do you know if air is stable?

How do you know if air is stable? The clearest way to observe the difference between a stable and an unstable air mass is to look at the clouds: A stable atmosphere will have largely flat layers of cloud which, although they may exhibit some lumpiness, will not extend far upwards. There may be several […]

Do wrestlers really hurt each other?

Do wrestlers really hurt each other? Surprisingly, these injuries were all real. While many people scoff at companies like the WWE for releasing a product that is “fake” and scripted: the sad reality is that professional wrestlers will injure each other or themselves by accident, as the potential to harm someone still exists when performing […]

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