What is the image of a product? Before building a product image it is crucial to understand the facts that the business wants it to be related to and proceed thereby. Because this image conveys a product feature to the customer different from that of its competitors. Category: Marketing & Public Relations. What kind of […]
What code does Angry Birds use?
What code does Angry Birds use? Angry Birds is written in C/C++ and use its own 3d engine. For the physics part, rovio use Box2D. For the iphone version, they use ObjC to initialize the application and create the OpenGL ES context; otherwise it is C/C++. Why was angry birds deleted? Several games in the […]
Which is best MBA or MS?
Which is best MBA or MS? Generally, people with less than 2-3 years of experience opt for MS programs and those with more experience and higher budgets go for MBA. MS is the US is a much better choice than an MBA program owing to the comprehensive course structure and immense career prospects. Is an […]
Is your heel supposed to touch the ground when running?
Is your heel supposed to touch the ground when running? Your heel should still touch the ground briefly. However, it should not carry a large weight load. Most of your weight should be directly above your mid-foot. As soon as your heel makes contact, your arch and lower leg muscles can gather the spring they […]
How does El Nino affect disease?
How does El Niño affect disease? Analyzing data from the abnormally strong 2015-2016 El Niño, scientists found increases in incidences of diseases like chikungunya, hantavirus, Rift Valley fever, cholera, plague, Zika, and more. How does precipitation affect disease? The results indicated that precipitation may influence pathogens, contamination of drinking water, and then influencing the diseases […]
What is the purpose of a doormat?
What is the purpose of a doormat? The primary purpose of any doormat is to provide a safe surface that can be used to clean footwear and prevent dirt from getting into a property. However, it is also important to ensure that a mat does not interfere with the function of a door, which is […]
What is the theme of From Chasing Redbird by Sharon Creech?
What is the theme of From Chasing Redbird by Sharon Creech? This Study Guide consists of approximately 18 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more – everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Chasing Redbird. Creech develops several strong themes in Chasing Redbird. Perhaps the strongest is the coming-of-age theme. What […]
What is considered second hand smoke?
What is considered second hand smoke? Secondhand smoke is the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke breathed out by smokers. Secondhand smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, of which hundreds are toxic and about 70 can cause cancer. What are examples of secondhand smoke? Secondhand smoke and vaping […]
Do chimps live in the canopy?
Do chimps live in the canopy? They live in the dense jungle forest of Africa. Chimpanzees sometime use the canopy layer of the forest to look out for other chimps, predators, or to chase red colobus monkeys that they can eat. What rainforest do chimpanzees live in? The chimpanzee inhabits tropical rainforest areas, low altitude […]
When did they call Mary the Mother of God?
When did they call Mary the Mother of God? 431 Mother of God: The Council of Ephesus decreed in 431 that Mary is Theotokos (“God-bearer”) because her son Jesus is both God and man: one Divine Person with two natures (divine and human). This name was translated in the West as “Mater Dei” or Mother […]