How many dog breeds are there in the world in total? “The AKC recognizes 195 breeds, with 79 additional breeds working toward full recognition,” says Gina DiNardo, executive secretary of the American Kennel Club (AKC). What is the rarest mixed dog breed? Corgimatian Corgimatian. The Corgimatian is one of the rarest mix-breeds on this list. […]
Does Blue Cross Blue Shield cover immunizations?
Does Blue Cross Blue Shield cover immunizations? For Blue Cross Blue Shield plans offered by CareFirst, vaccinations are completely free. You will pay no out-of-pocket copayment or coinsurance, and you will not have to pay toward your deductible. Is there a free vaccine for shingles? The CDC recommends people 50 years and older get the […]
What is the most important thing for a person to do to attain salvation?
What is the most important thing for a person to do to attain salvation? For some, the most important way to achieve salvation is through doing good works, such as giving to charity. However, other Christians focus on worship and faith. Some Christians believe that as well as having faith, people achieve salvation by following […]
What are the peculiarities of the Mediterranean region?
What are the peculiarities of the Mediterranean region? It has specific regional features: a climate of hot dry summers and humid, cool winters and a generally hilly landscape. The Mediterranean has not only a very rich biodiversity but also a large number of species that do not exist anywhere else. What is the Mediterranean region […]
Has Greek culture left a lasting influence on the world?
Has Greek culture left a lasting influence on the world? What was the legacy of ancient Greece? The ancient Greeks left a long standing mark on the modern world by developing new government systems called democracy, architecture, sports, art, theater, philosophy, science, mathematics, and by inventing new technologies. How did Greek mythology influence daily life? […]
How can we reduce damage and risk during earthquakes?
How can we reduce damage and risk during earthquakes? Anchor large appliances to walls using safety cables or straps. Install ledge barriers on shelves and secure large, heavy items and breakables directly to shelves to keep them from falling. Install latches on drawers and cabinet doors to keep contents from spilling. Anchor filing cabinets and […]
How many points are peas on Weight Watchers green?
How many points are peas on Weight Watchers green? Point values can vary; a half-cup serving of peas or corn, for example, has 2 points, while a half-cup serving of a plain sweet potato or lima beans has 3 points. How do you calculate points plus? Points Plus Calculation Points Plus Calculation = (Fat (g) […]
Who blew up Gaddafi?
Who blew up Gaddafi? The attack was carried out by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps via air strikes, in retaliation for the West Berlin discotheque bombing ten days earlier. There were 40 reported Libyan casualties, and one U.S. plane was shot down. Which countries attacked Libya? American and British naval […]
Can cattails be drowned?
Can cattails be drowned? Can you drown cattails? Yes, one natural method that we mentioned above was to cut the cattail stems about 2 to 3 inches below the pond’s surface. This often times referred to as “the drowning method”. This will essentially slow their growth by starving them of oxygen. How deep water can […]
Are male bears bigger than female bears?
Are male bears bigger than female bears? Black bears vary considerably in size, depending on the quality of the food available. Males may be from about 20 to 60 percent larger than females. Which gender of bear is bigger? Male Male bears are much larger than female bears. Males have a different face shape, with […]