Who were troubadours and trouvères? The troubadours and trouvères were medieval poet-musicians who created one of the first repertories of vernacular song to be written down. What exactly is a troubadour? 1 : one of a class of lyric poets and poet-musicians often of knightly rank who flourished from the 11th to the end of […]
What did the geocentric theory fail to explain?
What did the geocentric theory fail to explain? The geocentric model could not fully explain these changes in the appearance of the inferior planets (the planets between the Earth and the Sun). Furthermore, Galileo’s observations of Jupiter’s moons made it clear that celestial bodies do move about centers other than the Earth. When was the […]
What was the difference between ww2 and Vietnam War?
What was the difference between ww2 and Vietnam War? World War II was declared unlike the Vietnam War. In WWII America won and in Vietnam America didn’t. Around 50,000 men died in Vietnam and about 60 million in WWII. In both wars a huge reason for involvement was a nation being attacked in some way, […]
Can arthritis be triggered by car accident?
Can arthritis be triggered by car accident? Joint cartilage is the connective tissue between two bones that allows for smooth motion and movement. That being said, yes – a car accident can trigger arthritis. By injury – like from a car accident—cartilage can slowly wear away, causing bones to rub against one another instead. Can […]
Can an accountant do a profit and loss statement?
Can an accountant do a profit and loss statement? You need to hire a certified public accountant to provide a certified income statement. The CPA certifies financial statements by going over them, comparing them to reality, and certifying that the depiction of your finances is accurate. Can you do a profit and loss statement for […]
Why do Jews pray with their head covered?
Why do Jews pray with their head covered? Covering one’s head, such as by wearing a kippah, is described as “honoring God”. The Mishnah Berurah modifies this ruling, adding that the Achronim established a requirement to wear a head covering even when traversing fewer than four cubits, and even when one is standing still, indoors […]
Did Japanese martial arts come from China?
Did Japanese martial arts come from China? Karate was developed in what is now Okinawa, Japan, and Kung Fu in China. Karate is a form of unarmed Japanese martial art developed from fighting methods from the Ryūkyū Islands in Okinawa, Japan. Kung fu comprises a number of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries […]
What does the speaker mean when they say that the dancer is falsely smiling?
What does the speaker mean when they say that the dancer is falsely smiling? self was not in that strange place In its last two lines, the speaker describes the dancer’s face as “falsely-smiling” and says that “her self was not in that strange place.” In other words, the dancer’s true self isn’t really there […]
Is there a new Skylanders coming out in 2020?
Is there a new Skylanders coming out in 2020? For the first time since the franchise launched, there won’t be a new Skylanders game on consoles this year. During a call for investors, an Activision executive confirmed that the publisher would not release a new installment in the toys-to-life series. Is Skylanders Dead 2020? Activision’s […]
When did space exploration start?
When did space exploration start? October 4, 1957 Humans have been venturing into space for over 60 years. The era of space travel officially began October 4, 1957, when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) , or Soviet Union, launched Sputnik. It was the first human-made satellite launched into orbit Earth. Who began space […]