What did Watson and Crick base their model on?

What did Watson and Crick base their model on? DNA In “A Structure of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid,” Watson and Crick described DNA as a double helix that contained two long, helical strands wound together. In their model, each DNA strand contained individual units called bases, and the bases along one DNA strand matched the bases […]

Is being a veterinarian hard work?

Is being a veterinarian hard work? Veterinary medicine is extremely hard work. This is true not only in the sense of the academics required to attain admission to school or the brains required to keep you there, but also in the physical demands of the job. Is being a vet a stressful job? Being a […]

Was a day in the life a single?

Was a day in the life a single? Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band finale has long towered above the rest, a fact made official in 2011 when Rolling Stone named it as the group’s single finest song. Studio recordings for “A Day in the Life” commenced 50 years ago, on January 19th, 1967. What is […]

Does home team wear dark or light hockey?

Does home team wear dark or light hockey? Before the 2003-2004 season, NHL teams usually wore their white jerseys at home and the colored jerseys on the road. Since 2003-2004, teams switched the two, and now wear colors at home and white on the road. What color jersey does the home team wear? white Many […]

How long does the World Cup usually last?

How long does the World Cup usually last? World Cup matches consist of two 45-minute halves with a running clock. Following each half, the referee may add stoppage time, to make up for time lost due to injuries, penalties, and anything else that disrupts the play. How long is FIFA football game? A match lasts […]

Do competitive inhibitors increase rate of reaction?

Do competitive inhibitors increase rate of reaction? Orange line (competitive inhibitor) There is a gradual increase in reaction rate because competitive inhibitors are occupying only some of the enzyme active sites. As substrate concentration increases, the substrate molecules outnumber the inhibitor so the reaction rate reaches the maximum. How does competitive inhibitor affect reaction rate? […]

What countries were involved in the spice trade?

What countries were involved in the spice trade? Spice trade The spice trade involved historical civilizations in Asia, Northeast Africa and Europe. The aspect of the trade was dominated by the Austronesian peoples in Southeast Asia who established the precursor trade routes from Southeast Asia (and later China) to Sri Lanka and India by at […]

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