What makes a number an odd?

What makes a number an odd? : a whole number that is not able to be divided by two into two equal whole numbers The numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 are odd numbers. What is the odd number rule? An odd number can only be formed by the sum of an odd and even […]

What does it mean when a mare is covered?

What does it mean when a mare is covered? There are two general ways to “cover” or breed the mare: Live cover: the mare is brought to the stallion’s residence and is covered “live” in the breeding shed. Artificial Insemination (AI): the mare is inseminated by a veterinarian or an equine reproduction manager, using either […]

What body system does hemophilia attack?

What body system does hemophilia attack? Hemophilia is a disease that causes problems with blood clotting. It makes people’s blood clot (coagulate) much more slowly than usual. This means that wounds take longer to heal. When blood doesn’t clot properly, it can lead to bleeding inside the body too – for instance, following a fall […]

What is a good country boy name?

What is a good country boy name? These country western boy names are sure to speak to your soul!…BEST COUNTRY BOY NAMES. Atwood Hartley Flynn Travis Gage Trevor Glen Walker Grant Waylon What places do people name their kids after? Baby boy names Columbus – (several) Essex – (England) Eugene – (Oregon) Diego – (San […]

Is vinegar a compound or element?

Is vinegar a compound or element? Is vinegar an element, compound, or mixture? Vinegar is a mixture that contains water and acetic acid (CH3COOH). It’s not an element since there are various kinds of atoms inside vinegar. Vinegar isn’t compound as this solution contains two different substances that are combined without a definite ratio of […]

How does the gray wolf move?

How does the gray wolf move? Wolves usually travel at a lope. They can move in this manner for hours at a speed of 5-6 miles per hour. Wolves can briefly run at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour when chasing prey. Do GREY wolves travel alone? This is because wolves are so […]

Can you feel a clot move up your leg?

Can you feel a clot move up your leg? You can often feel the effects of a blood clot in the leg. Early symptoms of deep vein thrombosis include swelling and tightness in the leg. You may have a persistent, throbbing cramp-like feeling in the leg. What are the symptoms of a blood clot moving? […]

How do you name cations for transition metals?

How do you name cations for transition metals? Cations in of non-transition metals have the same name as the metal (e.g., sodium, magnesium, aluminum). Transition metals form cations with more than one charge. To distinguish these cations, we add the charge as a capital Roman numeral in parentheses. How are metal cations named? The cation […]

What are the characteristics of woodblock printing?

What are the characteristics of woodblock printing? One of the most distinguishing features of woodblock printing is the fact that the image on the paper is mirrored to the relief, which the artist had to remember while carving the relief, especially if he or she wanted to include text to the work. What is an […]

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