How do you make 5/8 into a decimal? 5/8 as a decimal is 0.625. What is 5/8 as a decimal and as a percent? 0.625 ⅝ as a decimal point is 0.625. ⅝ as a decimal number can be written as 63%. ⅝ as a decimal number can be written as 63%. What is the […]
What structures release energy from a cell?
What structures release energy from a cell? Mitochondria are tiny organelles inside cells that are involved in releasing energy from food. This process is known as cellular respiration. What is rod-shaped and releases energy for the cell? cells A B chromosomes rod-shaped bodies that release energy for cell use cell membrane controls movement of materials […]
Is beryllium highly reactive?
Is beryllium highly reactive? Elemental beryllium is very unreactive towards air and water, even at high temperatures. Why is beryllium reactive? Beryllium has a strong resistant layer of oxide on its surface which lowers its reactivity at ordinary temperatures. However, the oxide layer breaks up above 750°C and exposes the beryllium metal surface below it, […]
Does araldite go out of date?
Does araldite go out of date? Araldite® 2021-1 may be stored during 24 months at 2 – 8°C provided the components are stored in the original sealed containers. The expiry date is indicated on the packaging. The product may be placed at room temperature before use, the total time at room temperature should not exceed […]
How did Patriots feel about the Declaration of Independence?
How did Patriots feel about the Declaration of Independence? During the Revolutionary War, Patriots sought to gain formal acknowledgment of this policy through independence. Confident that independence lay ahead, Patriots alienated many fellow colonists by resorting to violence against tax collectors and pressuring others to declare a position in this conflict. Did the Patriots support […]
What antidepressant works well with fluoxetine?
What antidepressant works well with fluoxetine? Sertraline and escitalopram come out on top Using fluoxetine as the reference medication, the researchers analyzed various second-generation antidepressants. Sertraline and escitalopram had the best combination of efficacy and acceptability. What antidepressants should not be taken together? MDMA and antidepressants are a particularly dangerous cocktail for people who are […]
How can you tell if a gumball machine is vintage?
How can you tell if a gumball machine is vintage? Vintage and antique gumball machines share several key features, including: Clear glass bubble – This can be shaped like a sphere, a square, or a rectangular box, where the gumballs are stored. Die-cast metal base – This is often painted red where the mechanical parts […]
What is the diameter of a bucket?
What is the diameter of a bucket? Heavy duty 3.5 Gallon Bucket (75 mil) 12″ diameter, 10.5″ height. What is the diameter of a gallon can? 1 gallon – A one-gallon paint can has a diameter of 6.5 inches, and it is 7.5 inches tall. What’s the diameter of a 2 gallon bucket? 65 mil […]
How does a big metal boat float?
How does a big metal boat float? Metal boats can float when their density (which is defined as mass per unit of volume) is less than that of water. In addition, the shape of the boat is very important. A flat bottom is best, with sides to keep out the water and a large surface […]
What words get apostrophes?
What words get apostrophes? If a noun is plural and ends in S, you only need to add an apostrophe at the end to make it possessive. Examples include “the students’ tests,” “the girls’ backpacks,” and “the Morris’ car.” In the case of irregular plural nouns that don’t end in S, add an apostrophe and […]