What goes well with Tajin? Tajín seasoning is often sprinkled on sliced fruit and vegetables, and it’s also used as a garnish for esquites, a creamy corn dish made with mayonnaise and Cotija. You can add a dash to fresh mango, watermelon or pineapple, or try a pinch on jicama or cucumber for a refreshing […]
Who did the Greeks fight with for their independence?
Who did the Greeks fight with for their independence? The Greek War of Independence (1821–1829), also commonly known as the Greek Revolution, was a successful war by the Greeks who won independence for Greece from the Ottoman Empire. Who did Greece win its independence from in 1827? The Treaty of London allowed the three European […]
Why do fish need gills to survive?
Why do fish need gills to survive? Gills take oxygen out of the water and let water carry away carbon dioxide. Fish force water through their gills, where it flows past lots of tiny blood vessels. How do the gills help the fish to survive under water? Gills have one side to put water in […]
What are the major mountains of Asia?
What are the major mountains of Asia? The highest mountains in Asia (in meters) Characteristic Height in meters Mount Everest 8,848 Mount Godwin 8,610 Kangchendzönga 8,586 Lhotse 8,516 What are the 5 major mountain ranges in Asia? Top 10 Mountain Ranges of Asia The Himalaya Mountains, the Highest Mountain Range. The Kunlun Mountains, the Longest […]
What kind of plants are found in Madagascar?
What kind of plants are found in Madagascar? Madagascar’s Endemic Plants and Flowers Za Baobab (Andasonia Za Baill.) Bismarck palm (Bismarckia nobilis) Tapia (Uapaca bojeri Baill.) Madagascar banana tree (Ensete perrieri Cheesman) Tahina palm (Tahina spectabilis) Octopus trees (Didierea madagascariensis Baill.) The Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) What are the trees native to Madagascar called? Grandidier’s […]
How did Leonardo influence Michelangelo?
How did Leonardo influence Michelangelo? Michelangelo was also greatly influenced by Leonardo da Vinci. There is evidence to suggest Michelangelo had observed Leonardo’s paintings, and although a distaste for each other existed between the two, it appears Michelangelo’s jealously of da Vinci’s artworks sparked inspiration and competition. Did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo get along? […]
How many US Marshal districts are there?
How many US Marshal districts are there? 94 There are 94 federal judicial districts, including at least one district in each state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands and the two territories of the United States — the Virgin Islands and Guam. How many U.S. Marshals offices […]
Is the umbra of equal darkness throughout what about the penumbra Why?
Is the umbra of equal darkness throughout what about the penumbra Why? Within the Moon’s penumbra, only part of the Sun’s disk is obscured. This means that the penumbra has a considerably lighter shade than the umbra, where the Sun is completely covered. It is much darker in the areas adjacent to the umbra than […]
Which is the correct singular possessive?
Which is the correct singular possessive? If the singular noun ends in s or not, the possessive of a singular noun is formed by adding an apostrophe and the letter s. When a plural noun ends in s, the possessive is formed by adding only an apostrophe, and when it ends in a letter other […]
What is submission and example?
What is submission and example? Submission is defined as acting always obedient, particularly to a master. The definition of a submission is something sent in or the act of surrendering. An example of submission is a contest entry. An example of submission is a criminal who gives themselves up to the police. What is the […]