Are maggots harmful to humans? Accidentally ingesting maggots does not generally cause any lasting harm. However, if a person has ingested maggots through eating spoiled food, they may be at risk of food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning can range from very mild to serious, and they can sometimes last for several days. What do […]
What happened to Williams hair?
What happened to Williams hair? At the time Prince William was 26 and showing a similar level of male pattern baldness as Harry is now. Over the last 12 years, William, 38, has lost nearly all the hair on the top of his scalp whereas Harry’s hair loss has been slower. Does baldness run in […]
Did Edmund Sylvers have children?
Did Edmund Sylvers have children? Jeremy Sylvers Edmund Sylvers/Children Personal life and death Sylvers had 11 children, one of whom is actor Jeremy Sylvers, who is most known for his role in the 1991 horror film Child’s Play 3. After a ten-month battle with lung cancer, Edmund Sylvers died at a Virginia hospital on March […]
When did Mother Teresa received the Presidential Medal of Freedom?
When did Mother Teresa received the Presidential Medal of Freedom? This photograph shows President Ronald Reagan presenting Mother Teresa with the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony as First Lady Nancy Reagan looks on, June 20, 1985. Who did President Reagan give the Medal of Freedom to? Mother Teresa Reagan present the […]
Does your dressing affect your personality?
Does your dressing affect your personality? Science now suggests that how we dress may just be the difference between giving ourselves the extra edge in our professional and personal lives. Science says that the clothes we wear affect our behavior, attitudes, personality, mood, confidence, and even the way we interact with others. This is “Enclothed […]
What is the composition of coke oven gas?
What is the composition of coke oven gas? Coke oven gas is formed by heating coal to 1100 °C without access of air. The classic composition of coke gas: hydrogen (H2 – 51%), methane (CH4 – 34%), carbon monoxide (CO – 10%), ethylene (C2H4 – 5%). The composition may also include benzene (C6H6), ammonia (NH3), […]
Can you copy a sentence word for word if you cite it?
Can you copy a sentence word for word if you cite it? If you copy word-for-word or change a word here and there while copying without enclosing the copied passage in quotation marks and identifying the author, you are also plagiarizing. How do you cite a copied sentence? Copying and Pasting Plagiarism If you do […]
Why does my lab have a spotted tongue?
Why does my lab have a spotted tongue? The black spots or patches are simply pigmentation in the skin of the dog’s tongue. The pigmentation depends on where melanin is deposited. Melanin is the pigment responsible for coloring in living creatures. Do all labs have a black spot on their tongue? Undoubtedly you’re wondering if […]
What Stds can lead to cervical cancer?
What Stds can lead to cervical cancer? Almost all cervical cancers are caused by high-risk types of human papillomavirus, or HPV. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the US. Most sexually active people with cervixes have an HPV infection during their lifetimes. What are the signs of virgin cancer? Symptoms include: Unusual […]
Can a cow hold a grudge?
Can a cow hold a grudge? Cows’ memories are strong and they have been known to hold grudges against other cows, as well as humans after a negative experience. … Do cows fight? Cows naturally fight to determine dominance in the herd, and this is the behaviour that is exploited in cow fighting, using cows […]