How do pupfish reproduce? The mating system is polygynous, so a male breeds with many females, and a male may prevent other males from breeding with a female. When larvae hatch, they are less than a centimeter long. The offspring reach full reproductive maturity at 8 to 10 weeks old. A Devils Hole pupfish may […]
What is interesting about managerial accounting?
What is interesting about managerial accounting? Managerial accounting can be used in short-term and long-term decisions involving the financial health of a company. Managerial accounting helps managers make operational decisions–intended to help increase the company’s operational efficiency–which also helps in making long-term investment decisions. Why managers are interested in accounting? Managers. Managers need accounting information […]
What is a reasonable visitation schedule for an infant?
What is a reasonable visitation schedule for an infant? The guidelines recommend that non-custodial parents, nine out of 10 of whom are fathers, should instead see children under two during the day, up to three times a week, gradually phasing in overnight visits after the second birthday. At what age can a baby be away […]
How do you command someone to eat in German?
How do you command someone to eat in German? essen (to eat): du isst – iss! BUT if there is a vowel change which involves an umlaut, this umlaut is not added to the du form in the imperative. For example: schlafen (to sleep): du schläfst – schlaf! Does Essen mean to eat in German? […]
What does aggregate loan amount mean?
What does aggregate loan amount mean? Aggregate Loan Limit is the cumulative amount of how much a person can borrow through a loan program. Direct Loans have established aggregate loan limits. For instance, typically a dependent student can only borrow up to $31,000 of which of which no more than $23,000 of this amount may […]
Is coconut water good in uric acid?
Is coconut water good in uric acid? Increase your water intake: Drink 2-3 litres of water every day to keep your uric acid level in check. Water helps to flush out toxins from the body. You can add coconut water or freshly squeezed juice to keep your fluid intake up. Which juice is best for […]
What did the feudal system do?
What did the feudal system do? Feudal society is a military hierarchy in which a ruler or lord offers mounted fighters a fief (medieval beneficium), a unit of land to control in exchange for a military service. Individual lords would divide their lands into smaller and smaller sections to give to lesser rulers and knights. […]
What happened in chapter 18 of chains?
What happened in chapter 18 of chains? By Laurie Halse Anderson All are welcome to attend the public hanging of one Thomas Hickey, the near-assassin of General George Washington. Hickey’s sentence is pronounced and he’s hanged for treason against the colonies. Isabel covers Ruth’s eyes and closes hers so neither can watch. What happened in […]
What predators live in the Andes?
What predators live in the Andes? In this system, Andean bears and pumas are the top predators, while mountain tapir, three species of cervidae (hoofed ruminants), tapití (an endemic rabbit), mountain paca, and Andean bears are the primary herbivores (Tirira, 2007). What does llama look like? Description of the Llama Llamas have a typical camel-like […]
What happened to the real Jerome?
What happened to the real Jerome? What happened to Eugene the real Jerome in the end? Morrow ultimately ended his life at the ending of the film by committing suicide in a garbage incinerator. This was presented rather confusingly because of the constant flashes to Vincent going to space. How did the real Jerome become […]