What is a typical symptom of a panic attack?

What is a typical symptom of a panic attack? Symptoms of a panic attack include extreme anxiety and physical sensations of fear, such as increased heart rate, shortness of breath, trembling and muscle tension. What are 5 Panic Attacks Symptoms? What are the DSM-5 criteria for diagnosis of panic disorder? Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated […]

What are composite attributes explain with one example?

What are composite attributes explain with one example? Composite Composite attributes are not atomic because they are assembled using some other atomic attributes. A typical example of a composite attribute is a person’s address, which is composed of atomic attributes, such as City, Zip, and Street. What are the different types of attributes are there […]

How does a transponder key work?

How does a transponder key work? Transponder keys are automotive ignition keys with signal-emitting circuits built inside. When the key is turned in the ignition cylinder, the car’s computer transmits a radio signal to the transponder circuit. The circuit has no battery; it is energized by the radio signal itself. What does a transponder do […]

How many people die in the US due to accidents?

How many people die in the US due to accidents? More than 38,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways. The U.S. traffic fatality rate is 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. An additional 4.4 million are injured seriously enough to require medical attention. Road crashes are the leading cause of death in the […]

How is most food cooked in the Middle Ages?

How is most food cooked in the Middle Ages? Almost all cooking was done in simple stewpots, since this was the most efficient use of firewood and did not waste precious cooking juices, making potages and stews the most common dishes. Overall, most evidence suggests that medieval dishes had a fairly high fat content, or […]

Where did Ryan get Pam Munoz last name?

Where did Ryan get Pam Munoz last name? When Ryan began writing children’s books, she decided to include her family name Muñoz on her bylines to honor her Mexican background. Muñoz Ryan’s first published children’s book was the picture book One Hundred Is a Family (1994). Does Pam Munoz Ryan have any children? How many […]

How old did you have to be to be a nurse in ww1?

How old did you have to be to be a nurse in ww1? In the beginning U.S. Army nurses were U.S. citizens,5 female, unmarried, between 25 and 35 years of age, Caucasian and graduates of training schools offering theoretical and practical nursing8 As the war went on, some of these requirements were expanded. Who were […]

Is benefiting or benefitting correct?

Is benefiting or benefitting correct? Benefiting is the correct one in English and American English. There is no entry for ‘benefitting’ in the Cambridge dictionary, see: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/spellcheck/british/?q=Benefitting The reason being we double letters on the end of the word if that is where the emphasis lies. Can you say benefiting? Benefited and benefitted are both […]

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