Who bought out independent life insurance?

Who bought out independent life insurance? The American General Corporation The American General Corporation agreed yesterday to acquire Independent Insurance Group Inc. for $27.50 a share, or $362 million. What happened to independent life insurance company? Effective 12/31/1997, The Independent Life and Accident Insurance Company of Jacksonville, FL, merged into American General Life And Accident […]

Is an energy drink the same as alcohol?

Is an energy drink the same as alcohol? Its active ingredients caffeine, taurine, and ginseng are common to energy drinks; however, its additional focus on alcohol is not. Its packaging states a 6% alcoholic content by volume. Can energy drinks make you feel drunk? Image Credit: Nathanael RiegerANN ARBOR—New research suggests that simply telling a […]

Who fixes the remuneration of auditor?

Who fixes the remuneration of auditor? 4. Who fixes remuneration of an Auditor? In case an auditor is appointed by the company directors or the Commission, the directors or the Commission, as the case may be, shall fix the remuneration. In all other cases, by the company members in general meeting or in such manner […]

What is the difference between Outlook and MSN?

What is the difference between Outlook and MSN? MSN (acronym of The Microsoft Network) is a web portal and related collection of Internet services. It is an app for Windows and mobile devices, provided by Microsoft. Outlook is a program bundled with Microsoft Office. Thanks to it, users can read and manage email, calendars, contacts, […]

Why was the Mayan calendar accurate?

Why was the Mayan calendar accurate? In part, it was because Maya priests made all decisions about dates for sacred events and the agricultural cycle. There was thus no need for the average person to understand the calendar, and it could be as elaborate as the priests wanted. How was the Mayan calendar arranged? The […]

What is the function of lever balance?

What is the function of lever balance? The balance is useful for trial weighing, reading directly in gm. Double range, change form one range to another is accomplished by rotating a hinged arm. Index is of edge reading type to avoid parallax error. Where is the fulcrum on a balance scale? The original form of […]

Can you get a silent violin?

Can you get a silent violin? Answer: Yes, they do — and it’s more about how you create and control that sound. The Yamaha SILENT Violin provides a wide variety of sound control options on the instrument itself, from just having a flat, unprocessed sound to the use of built-in reverb — making it seem […]

Is the cornea transparent or opaque?

Is the cornea transparent or opaque? The cornea and sclera make up the outer tunic of the eye. Each is a connective tissue containing collagen fibrils embedded in a proteoglycan-rich extrafibrillar matrix, but whereas the cornea is uniquely transparent, the sclera is totally opaque. What is the human eye made of? The eye is made […]

Do Cockapoos have bad eyesight?

Do Cockapoos have bad eyesight? Cockapoos can have health problems Progressive Retinal Atrophy (loss of eyesight – both breeds) Glaucoma (eye damage – cocker spaniels) How can you tell if a dog is colorblind? Think of your dog’s color scale like that of a person with red-green colorblindness. You may notice your dog doesn’t respond […]

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