Will food cooked in a microwave will brown and become crispy? Microwaves do not cook food from the inside out. The waves from a microwave oven penetrate the food to a depth of one to one and a half inches. Because food is cooked by these microwaves, food usually won’t brown or become crispy. Can […]
Are the law and ethics interconnected?
Are the law and ethics interconnected? Though law often embodies ethical principals, law and ethics are not co-extensive. Based on society’s ethics, laws are created and enforced by governments to mediate our relationships with each other, and to protect its citizens. While laws carry with them a punishment for violations, ethics do not. How are […]
What were the great lakes named after?
What were the great lakes named after? From the Ojibwe word mishi-gami “great water” or “large lake”. What Native American group lived around the Great Lakes? Notable tribes around the Great Lakes included people we now call the Chippewa, Fox, Huron, Iroquois, Ottawa, Potawatomi and Sioux. Approximately 120 bands of Native Peoples have occupied the […]
Who funds the Older American Act?
Who funds the Older American Act? the federal government What Is the Older Americans Act State Plan? Each year, the federal government gives California more than $160 million in funding. This funding is in addition to one-time COVID-19 response funds the state has received. What does the OAA do? The Older Americans Act (OAA) funds […]
Why do food taste sweet after chewing for long time?
Why do food taste sweet after chewing for long time? The reason why the food tastes sweeter after chewing it for a longer time because the saliva contains “Amaylase” which reacts with the starch present in the doo and converts it into glucose sugar particles which give a sweet taste to the food that we […]
How can I get placed at Goldman Sachs?
How can I get placed at Goldman Sachs? Recruitment Process: Goldman Sachs conducts 4 to 5 rounds to select the freshers as SDE in their organisation: Online or The Hackerrank Round: The Coderpad Round: Telephonic Round. Technical Rounds: Technical-cum HR Round: Questions asked in Goldman Sachs: Few Interview Experiences: How much money do you need […]
What is the longitude of New Zealand?
What is the longitude of New Zealand? 40.9006° S, 174.8860° E New Zealand/Coordinates What are the approximate coordinates of Wellington? DMS latitude longitude coordinates for Wellington are: 41°17’11.9″S, 174°46’32.05″E. How do I find longitude and longitude? Get the coordinates of a place On your computer, open Google Maps. Right-click the place or area on the […]
How does atmosphere affect daily life?
How does atmosphere affect daily life? Not only does it contain the oxygen we need to live, but it also protects us from harmful ultraviolet solar radiation. It creates the pressure without which liquid water couldn’t exist on our planet’s surface. And it warms our planet and keeps temperatures habitable for our living Earth. Why […]
What are some good examples of declamation?
What are some good examples of declamation? Declamation examples would include Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. Oratory began in ancient times and will continue as long as people are fervent about their ideals. Declamation can also be a slogan, like “Fur is Dead” to protest the […]
What more can the government do to stop human trafficking?
What more can the government do to stop human trafficking? Encourage foreign governments to combat trafficking through international diplomacy and engagement. Forge and strengthen partnerships and other forms of collaboration to combat trafficking in persons. Integrate anti-trafficking components into relevant government programs. Promote public awareness about modern slavery. What can be done to stop human […]