Why is the citric acid cycle called a cycle?

Why is the citric acid cycle called a cycle? The citric acid cycle is called a cycle because the starting molecule, oxaloacetate (which has 4 carbons), is regenerated at the end of the cycle. What is the process of ATP synthesis? ATP synthesis involves the transfer of electrons from the intermembrane space, through the inner […]

What is 24 hour called?

What is 24 hour called? Midnight is called 24:00 and is used to mean the end of the day and 00:00 is used to mean the beginning of the day….24-hour clock. 24-hour clock 12-hour clock 21:00 9:00 p.m. 22:00 10:00 p.m. 23:00 11:00 p.m. 00:00 12:00 a.m. – midnight Who invented 24 hour day? Hipparchus, […]

Who was the first female Prime Minister of Australia?

Who was the first female Prime Minister of Australia? On 24 June 2010, Julia Gillard became Australia’s 27th Prime Minister and the first woman to hold the office. She was elected unopposed by the Parliamentary Labor Party. Is Edmund Barton still alive? Deceased (1849–1920) Edmund Barton/Living or Deceased Who was Australia’s first Australian born Prime […]

What camera do professional movie makers use?

What camera do professional movie makers use? ARRI Alexa 65, Panavision Sphero 65 Lenses. Panavision Millennium DXL, Panavision Sphero 65 Lenses. RED Weapon 8K VV Monstro, Panavision Sphero 65 Lenses. What cameras do cameramen use? What Cameras Do Professional Photographers Use? Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR camera. Nikon D850 DSLR camera. Sony A9 Mark […]

Is sawdust a pollutant?

Is sawdust a pollutant? Sawdust is one of the major waste resulting from wood exploitation and processing, which stored in un- controlled conditions may be an important factor of environmental pollution. However as with any source of energy will result pollutant emissions with negative impact on the environment and on biological systems. Is dust a […]

Why is Pet Society shutting down?

Why is Pet Society shutting down? In a series of Playfish forum posts, an EA community manager has announced that SimCity Social, The Sims Social, and Pet Society will all be shutting down on June 14. Each posting says EA is shutting down the game in question so it can “reallocate development resources” to other […]

When were apricots introduced to England?

When were apricots introduced to England? Apricot first appeared in English in the 16th century as abrecock from the Middle French aubercot or later abricot, from Spanish albaricoque and Catalan a(l)bercoc, in turn from Arabic الْبَرْقُوق‎ (al-barqūq, “the plums”), from Byzantine Greek βερικοκκίᾱ (berikokkíā, “apricot tree”), derived from late Greek πραικόκιον … What is the […]

What is the sound produced by cat?

What is the sound produced by cat? The most commonly heard cat noise is the classic ‘meow’. Generally, this sound is used to demand attention. Kittens meow almost constantly, always in search of their mother’s love, milk, or attention. What little noise does a cat make? Purring. Purring is a soft, low rumbling sound that […]

Does AT TV have a channel guide?

Does AT TV have a channel guide? You can watch up to 63 channels with AT TV Now. Use the dropdown below to choose your plan. What channel is Hallmark movies and mysteries on AT TV? Hallmark Channel will be on channels 365 and 1365 in HD in the U-family and U200 and above packages. […]

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