What is 50 1 gas oil mix?

What is 50 1 gas oil mix? For a 50:1 ratio of gas to oil, use 2.6 fluid ounces of oil per gallon of gas. For a 40:1 mixture, use 3.2 fluid ounces of oil per gallon of gas. Who makes Homelite weed eaters? John Deere acquired the brand in 1994. Techtronic Industries acquired Homelite […]

Is aluminum good for the human body?

Is aluminum good for the human body? Exposure to aluminum is usually not harmful, but exposure to high levels can cause serious health problems. If you think you have been exposed to high levels of aluminum, contact your doctor. Can your body get rid of aluminum? Excretion of aluminium Aluminium is excreted from the body, […]

Is the 7 minute rule a law?

Is the 7 minute rule a law? The 7-minute rule, also known as the ⅞ rule, allows an employer to round employee time for payroll purposes. Employers may legally round employee time, as long as time is rounded correctly and adheres to FLSA regulations regarding overtime and minimum wage pay. Can you fire two employees […]

How has Galileo benefited the world?

How has Galileo benefited the world? Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei provided a number of scientific insights that laid the foundation for future scientists. His investigation of the laws of motion and improvements on the telescope helped further the understanding of the world and universe around him. Did Galileo study and help support? Galileo continued to […]

When did the space race truly begin?

When did the space race truly begin? The competition began in earnest on August 2, 1955, when the Soviet Union responded to the US announcement four days earlier of intent to launch artificial satellites for the International Geophysical Year, by declaring they would also launch a satellite “in the near future”. What was the timeline […]

What does the ionosphere do for the Earth?

What does the ionosphere do for the Earth? The Ionosphere is part of Earth’s upper atmosphere, between 80 and about 600 km where Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) and x-ray solar radiation ionizes the atoms and molecules thus creating a layer of electrons. the ionosphere is important because it reflects and modifies radio waves used for communication […]

What is it called when cell division is uncontrolled?

What is it called when cell division is uncontrolled? Conclusion. Cancer is unchecked cell growth. Mutations in genes can cause cancer by accelerating cell division rates or inhibiting normal controls on the system, such as cell cycle arrest or programmed cell death. As a mass of cancerous cells grows, it can develop into a tumor. […]

Who was Johnnie Taylor second wife?

Who was Johnnie Taylor second wife? Gerlean Rockettm. 1970–2000 Johnnie Taylor/Wife What was Johnnie Taylor worth when he died? In 1999 he received a Pioneer Awards from the Rhythm and Blues Foundation. Johnnie Taylor passed away on May 31, 2000 at 66 years old from a heart attack….Johnnie Taylor Net Worth. Net Worth: $2 Million […]

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