What age is my sister Jodie for?

What age is my sister Jodie for? I would recommend this book for the age 12-15. It’s such a good book but with sadness of some parts of it I don’t think it would be right for a younger age. It had a range of different emotions and it explores the way sisters and families […]

What food did the Aztec eat?

What food did the Aztec eat? While the Aztecs ruled, they farmed large areas of land. Staples of their diet were maize, beans and squash. To these, they added chilies and tomatoes. They also harvested Acocils, an abundant crayfish-like creature found in Lake Texcoco, as well as Spirulina algae which they made into cakes. Why […]

Why do Hinata and Neji have the same eyes?

Why do Hinata and Neji have the same eyes? Neji Hyuga using byakugan. Those that inherit the blood of this clan have almost featureless white eyes (Neji’s and Hinata’s eyes seem to have tints of lavender and blue-gray, respectively). Although it is not stated directly, it is assumed that all members of the Hyuga family […]

When do you use standard notation for numbers?

When do you use standard notation for numbers? Standard notation of a number is when a number is written with only number digits. This is the typical way to write numbers since words are not used in standard number notation. How is 2.75 million written in standard notation? The number word phrase 2.75 million converts […]

When was Ohio accepted into the Union?

When was Ohio accepted into the Union? 1803 Although legally Ohio became the 17th state with the February 19, 1803 act of Congress, Ohio statehood is celebrated on March 1. The date of March 1, 1803 was when the Ohio legislature met for the first time. This was retroactively made the statehood date by a […]

What is natural number or whole number?

What is natural number or whole number? Natural numbers are those numbers that include only positive integers and begin from 1 till infinity. Whereas, whole numbers are those numbers that include 0 and natural numbers, begin from 0 and end at infinite value. How all natural numbers are whole numbers? NATURAL NUMBERS- Numbers starting from […]

What are advantages of having a boyfriend?

What are advantages of having a boyfriend? 15 Advantages of Having a Boyfriend or Girlfriend Not feeling lonely. Being happy with someone who is always concerned about you. Brightening your life. Encouraging you to do good things. Helping you to solve problems. Staying with you when feeling exhausted and discouraged. Taking good care of you […]

What should a 5 7 female weigh in kg?

What should a 5 7 female weigh in kg? Adults Weight to Height Ratio Chart Height Female Male 5′ 6″ (168 cm) 117/143 lb (53/64.8 kg) 128/156 lb (58/70.7 kg) 5′ 7″ (170 cm) 122/149 lb (55.3/67.6 kg) 133/163 lb (60.3/73.9 kg) 5′ 8″ (173 cm) 126/154 lb (57.1/69.8 kg) 139/169 lb (63/76.6 kg) What […]

Where do I find Word preferences?

Where do I find Word preferences? Word Preferences are found in the Word Menu in the Menu Bar. Press Command + Comma to open the Word Preferences dialog with or without a document open and whether or not the document is in Full Screen view. Where are preferences in Outlook? You can access these settings […]

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