Did Sidious break the Rule of Two? Darth Sidious with his first apprentice, Darth Maul Sidious broke the Rule of Two at least twice: once by training Darth Maul while still under the tutelage of Darth Plagueis; and secondly, by taking on two apprentices at once, and in the form of two Jedi: Count Dooku, […]
What technology was necessary for the discovery of the cell?
What technology was necessary for the discovery of the cell? The invention of the microscope led to the discovery of the cell by Hooke. While looking at cork, Hooke observed box-shaped structures, which he called “cells” as they reminded him of the cells, or rooms, in monasteries. This discovery led to the development of the […]
How did carnival start in Germany?
How did carnival start in Germany? Carnival and Mardi Gras are celebrated by countries like Brazil and in the United States in New Orleans. Karneval in Germany began in the 16th century to allow commoners to mock the monarchy and politicians without fear of retribution , but it really took off in the 19th and […]
Where was the play Othello first performed?
Where was the play Othello first performed? November 1, 1604 Othello/First performance Othello’s first known performance was on November 1, 1604, at Whitehall Palace in London, when “the Kings Maiesties plaiers” performed “A Play in the Banketinge house at Whit Hall Called The Moor of Venis” attributed to “Shaxberd”. It was staged on 2/ 30/1610 […]
Do female cats drip blood when in heat?
Do female cats drip blood when in heat? No – cats don’t bleed when they’re in heat. Blood in their urine or around the genital area could be a sign of a urinary tract infection, so if you do spot any blood, be sure to contact your vet right away. Why is my cat leaking […]
How many water molecules are involved during peptide bond formation?
How many water molecules are involved during peptide bond formation? two water molecules The final product on the path leading to the cis DAA–DAA represents the complex of the dipeptide interacting with two water molecules, and its energy is lower by 13.7 kcal mol–1 than the energy of the reactants. How many water molecules are […]
Who was the lead singer in Smokie?
Who was the lead singer in Smokie? Chris Norman1964 – 1986 Mike CraftSince 1995 Smokie/Lead singers What year did the song Living next door to Alice come out? 1976 Who the F… Is Alice?/Released Who wrote next door to Alice? Nicky Chinn Mike Chapman Who the F… Is Alice?/Composers Where did who the F is Alice […]
What is the sound of toucan?
What is the sound of toucan? Toco Toucans usually vocalize with a series of grunting or snoring sounds that include “groomkk,” “grunt,” “grunnkkt,” ” kkreekk,” ” grenggkt,” “grr,” “ggrekkekk,” arkk-rk,” “rrraa,” or “rrro-rrro” notes (Sick 1993, Short and Horne 2001, 2002). Do toucans squawk? Toucan doesn’t make a sound until the final spread: “Squawk!” A […]
Who is a member of the General Staff?
Who is a member of the General Staff? noun (used with a singular or plural verb)Military. a group of officers who are without command and whose duty is to assist high commanders in planning and carrying out orders in peace and war. What positions are members of the General Staff? The General Staff typically consists […]
Is sky natural resource?
Is sky natural resource? The night sky is a natural resource. Naturally dark skies provide refuge for wildlife, and allow natural processes and rhythms to evolve unimpeded. Why is the night sky so important? Experiencing the night sky provides perspective, inspiration, and leads us to reflect on our humanity and place in the universe. The […]