How many known Earth like planets are there?

How many known Earth like planets are there? Earth-like worlds of interest With the help of ground and space-based telescopes, researchers have found about 4,000 confirmed exoplanets and thousands of other candidates. A relatively small number of these worlds bear similarities to Earth. How many Earths are there in the entire universe? NASA estimates 1 […]

Why was MiG-29 a failure?

Why was MiG-29 a failure? “The major weaknesses of [early] MiG-29 variants was inadequate range due to low fuel capacity and engines with high fuel consumption,” Bronk explained. Mikoyan partially fixed this problem with the recent MiG-29SMT version of the fighter, which features a large dorsal spine carrying extra fuel. Is MiG-29 a good fighter? […]

How many lives do we have in our body?

How many lives do we have in our body? Although no one knows where the number originates, the general count is 78 organs, she said. This list includes the vital organs: the tongue, stomach, thyroid, urethra, pancreas, plus many other single or pairs of organs. Bones and teeth are each counted only once. Why do […]

What is a word for a group?

What is a word for a group? Words related to group association, band, body, class, club, company, crowd, faction, gang, organization, party, society, troop, arrange, gather, meet, organize, categorize, accumulation, aggregation. What is the antonym of group? group. Antonyms: isolation, individual, crowd, confusion, medley. Synonyms: cluster, bunch, knot, assemblage, collocation, class, collection, clump, order, assembly. […]

Does cold water have a higher density?

Does cold water have a higher density? Cold water has a higher density than warm water. Water gets colder with depth because cold, salty ocean water sinks to the bottom of the ocean basins below the less dense warmer water near the surface. However, the ocean is not standing still. Which water has the highest […]

Which shapes can tessellate?

Which shapes can tessellate? Only three regular polygons (shapes with all sides and angles equal) can form a tessellation by themselves—triangles, squares, and hexagons. What about circles? Why can a regular hexagon tessellate? A shape will tessellate if its vertices can have a sum of 360˚ . In an equilateral triangle, each vertex is 60˚ […]

What happens if you eat cheese with mold?

What happens if you eat cheese with mold? Dangers of eating moldy cheese Molds can carry harmful bacteria, including E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, and Brucella, all of which can cause food poisoning ( 5 , 6 ). The symptoms of food poisoning include vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea. In severe cases, it may lead to […]

What are unformatted data files or binary files?

What are unformatted data files or binary files? The data in unformatted files are stored in the internal binary form that is directly accessible only by a computer. Thus, the file structure cannot be read and easily understood by the user. These files are used because computer processing is more efficient and storage space is […]

What is copper good for in the body?

What is copper good for in the body? Copper is a mineral that you need to stay healthy. Your body uses copper to carry out many important functions, including making energy, connective tissues, and blood vessels. Copper also helps maintain the nervous and immune systems, and activates genes. Your body also needs copper for brain […]

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