At what age should you get a vaginal exam? These are recommended starting at age 21 for healthy women. But a girl who has problems like heavy bleeding, painful periods, or unusual vaginal discharge might need a pelvic exam sooner. When should you have your first gynecologist exam? What is the right age to take […]
What is a version in an article?
What is a version in an article? It is important to understand which version of an article you are reading and what rights you have when you access our content. Author’s Original/Preprint is ‘the version of the article before peer review or editing, as submitted by an author to the journal’. … What is the […]
How long does it take to get mail from Arizona to Alabama?
How long does it take to get mail from Arizona to Alabama? 2 to 3 days for that distance. US Postal Service standards for First Class Mail delivery is from 1 to 3 days. If there are weather or other problems while in transit, delivery can take longer. How long is shipping from California to […]
Why are cousins not allowed to marry?
Why are cousins not allowed to marry? They say there is no biological reason to discourage cousins from marrying. First cousins are somewhat more likely than unrelated parents to have a child with a serious birth defect, mental retardation or genetic disease, but their increased risk is nowhere near as large as most people think, […]
What was the economic impact of the discovery of oil?
What was the economic impact of the discovery of oil? The baseline results show that locations in which oil was discovered had a roughly 30% higher per capita GDP over a span of up to 60 years compared to those in the control group. Furthermore, we document an increase in both manufacturing and services per […]
What organ absorbs alcohol into the blood?
What organ absorbs alcohol into the blood? While the kidneys and gastro-intestinal tract play a role in this process, the liver is the main organ responsible for transforming alcohol absorbed by the blood into substances that your body can process and eliminate. Does alcohol go to bloodstream? About 20 percent of the alcohol from a […]
Does a bigger front sprocket make you go faster?
Does a bigger front sprocket make you go faster? Substituting a larger front or smaller rear sprocket lowers the ratio (sometimes called “taller” gearing), resulting in more speed for a given engine rpm. Likewise, a smaller front or larger rear sprocket gives less speed for a given rpm (“shorter” gearing). What happens if I put […]
When were Hanging Gardens invented?
When were Hanging Gardens invented? Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II was said to have constructed the luxurious Hanging Gardens in the sixth century B.C. as a gift to his wife, Amytis, who was homesick for the beautiful vegetation and mountains of her native Media (the northwestern part of modern-day Iran). Who built the first Hanging Gardens? […]
What happens when the heat source is removed from a convection current?
What happens when the heat source is removed from a convection current? Convection currents continue as long as heat is added. What happens after the heat source is removed? Without heat, the convection currents will eventually stop when all of the material has reached the same temperature. The heat source for these currents is heat […]
How do I renew my license plate sticker in Indiana?
How do I renew my license plate sticker in Indiana? Renew the registration online Have proof that you have passed the emissions test. Go to the BMV Easy Plate Renewal Page. Look over the information that is on the site about your car. Pay the fee that you owe for renewal. Print the receipt to […]