Is duckweed harmful to humans?

Is duckweed harmful to humans? Duckweed has a high protein content, which makes it valuable as human food. Consumption of sufficient protein is important for a good health. If duckweed is grown under optimal conditions, it can contain up to 40% of protein. What happens if you eat duckweed? Some strains have very high protein […]

Do Frogs Have arteries veins?

Do Frogs Have arteries veins? Venous system of frog: The venous system includes veins or those blood vessels in which blood of the body returns to the heart. In frog, it can be studied in 4 parts: Pulmonary veins. How many veins and arteries connect to the heart? Blood enters the heart through two large […]

What are the common components of capsule shells?

What are the common components of capsule shells? The major components of soft gelatin capsule shell are gelatin, plasticizer and water. What is the major component of capsule? Gelatin capsules, informally called gel caps or gelcaps, are composed of gelatin manufactured from the collagen of animal skin or bone. Vegetable capsules, introduced in 1989, are […]

When someone says Touche What does that mean?

When someone says Touché What does that mean? —used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point. How do you use Touché in a sentence? A: – used as an acknowledgment during a discussion of a good or clever point made at one’s […]

What is a Polish Grandma called?

What is a Polish Grandma called? Poland: Babcia, Babciu, Babunia, Babula, and Babusia are all variations of Polish names for grandmother.. What do Polish call their grandparents? dziadek The Polish name for grandfather is dziadek, used when speaking about one’s grandfather. It is pronounced “jah-deck.” Dziadziu, sometimes spelled dziadzio, is used when speaking to one’s […]

How many eggs do dodo birds lay?

How many eggs do dodo birds lay? one egg How many eggs does the dodo lay? The dodo laid only one egg at a time. Did dodo birds lay eggs? Dodos laid their eggs in nests on the ground, meaning they were vulnerable to attack by feral mammals. How much is a dodo bird egg […]

What is the function of the reticular formation?

What is the function of the reticular formation? Reticular formation circuitry helps to coordinate the activity of neurons in these cranial nerve nuclei, and thus is involved in the regulation of simple motor behaviors. For example, reticular formation neurons in the medulla facilitate motor activity associated with the vagus nerve. Where is the reticular formation […]

Do boys and girls really learn differently?

Do boys and girls really learn differently? Boy Brains and Girl Brains Studies show that boys learn differently than girls. The hippocampus — a region of the brain critical to verbal memory storage — develops earlier for girls and is larger in women than in men. “That has a profound effect on vocabulary and writing,” […]

What did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves do?

What did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves do? The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 argued that each individual state has the power to declare that federal laws are unconstitutional and void. The Virginia Resolutions of 1798 refer to “interposition” to express the idea that the states have a right to “interpose” to prevent harm caused by […]

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