Who started CET exam?

Who started CET exam? Common Eligibility Test Acronym CET Developer / administrator National Recruitment Agency Purpose Recruitment of staff under group B and C (non-technical) for Central Govt. Year started 2021 Offered twice a year When was CET exam started? 1984 The CET was started in the year 1984. Every year more than 1 million […]

What does return air mean?

What does return air mean? The air that has circulated through a building as supply air and has been returned to the HVAC system for additional conditioning or release from the building, in order to reduce the energy that would be consumed by using only fresh air as a source. What is the purpose of […]

How did missionaries affect South Africa?

How did missionaries affect South Africa? Missionaries had both positive and negative effects throughout the history South Africa. Missionary teachings provided an education and a Christian moral code for indigenous pupils. Ironically, this ideology and education would arm the indigenous peoples with the tools to combat the racist laws of the apartheid state. What has […]

Was Arnold Adoff black?

Was Arnold Adoff black? Adoff grew up in the South Bronx, the son of Jewish immigrants from a town near the Polish-Russian border. He enrolled in the Columbia University School of Pharmacy but transferred to City College of New York, where he received a B.A. in history and literature. How old is Arnold Adoff? 86 years […]

Why are my dreadlocks not locking?

Why are my dreadlocks not locking? Washing your hair too often, or not often enough Washing your hair four or more times per week is too much. If you’re oiling your scalp and misting your locs with moisturizing sprays, it will build up over time if you’re not washing them off weekly. This will cause […]

How do different joints allow different ranges of movement?

How do different joints allow different ranges of movement? Hinge joints allow flexion and extension only. Flexion – bending a joint. This occurs when the angle of a joint decreases….Types of joint movement. Joint Knee Type Hinge Bones Femur, tibia Movement Flexion, extension Comments Quadriceps and hamstrings move this joint How do different joints work? […]

What was the name of the asteroid that hit the Moon?

What was the name of the asteroid that hit the Moon? lunar meteorite A lunar meteorite is a meteorite that is known to have originated on the Moon. A meteorite hitting the Moon is normally classified as a transient lunar phenomenon….Lunar meteorite. Lunar meteorite (Lunaite) Parent body Moon Total known specimens 306 Alternative names Lunaite […]

Which color of light is reflected by a red object?

Which color of light is reflected by a red object? If the color of a surface is anything other than white, it means that it absorbs light of some wavelengths. For example, a surface that appears red absorbs yellow, green, blue and violet light, while reflecting red light. A surface that appears green absorbs all […]

How much does a PhD make a year?

How much does a PhD make a year? PhD students earn between $15,000 and $30,000 a year depending on their institution, field of study, and location. This stipend can be tax-free (if it is a fellowship award) or taxable (if it is a salary e.g from a teaching position). How much do PhD students get […]

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