Where does blood from the body enter?

Where does blood from the body enter? Blood enters the heart through two large veins, the inferior and superior vena cava, emptying oxygen-poor blood from the body into the right atrium. The pulmonary vein empties oxygen-rich blood, from the lungs into the left atrium. Where does blood travel to and from? The arteries (red) carry […]

What is the syntax of grep command?

What is the syntax of grep command? grep options. grep -vM: The ‘grep -v’ command displays lines not matching to the specified word. Syntax: grep -v How do I ignore special characters in grep? If you include special characters in patterns typed on the command line, escape them by enclosing them in single quotation marks […]

Why is domestic violence awareness important?

Why is domestic violence awareness important? The month of October is dedicated to recognizing unhealthy relationships, understanding the resources for a person dealing with intimate partner violence, and how to facilitate the kind and loving relationship each person deserves. … How does domestic violence affect society? Domestic violence even affects the perpetrator. It has been […]

How is a screw and an inclined plane similar?

How is a screw and an inclined plane similar? A screw is like an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder. A screw turns a small rotational force into a larger forward driving force. How is a screw related to a simple inclined plane? Like a wedge, a screw is a simple machine that is related […]

How much nitrogen is in a gram of protein?

How much nitrogen is in a gram of protein? Calculate grams of nitrogen supplied per day (1 g N = 6.25g protein) How many grams of nitrogen are in a diet consisting of 100 grams of protein? Why? When given the amount of protein or amino acids in the diet, you can use either of […]

How was the Aztec calendar stone used?

How was the Aztec calendar stone used? The Aztec Calendar Stone, became a very important national symbol during the Porfirio Diaz era. The Calendar Stone was used in the movement to unify the states of Mexico into a nation. The movement used the history and symbols of the indigenous people, particularly the Aztecs. Who is […]

What is the purpose of satyrs?

What is the purpose of satyrs? The satyr play aimed both at remembering Dionysus and at offering the audience a pleasant entertainment; or – in other words – at entertaining the audience by remembering Dionysus and his divine power to free people from care and anxiety. What did god create satyrs? Satyr and Silenus, in […]

What are the three factors of 30?

What are the three factors of 30? Factors of 30: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15 and 30. What is the largest 3 digit number having exactly three factors? Now, The greatest 3 digit perfect square number is 961 (square of 31) and smallest is 100(square of 10). so, the square of all prime […]

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