Was Mount St. Helens eruption a surprise?

Was Mount St. Helens eruption a surprise? Helens and other volcanoes. The powerful lateral blast didn’t fit their understanding of the mountain’s past. The power of the blast surprised them. And despite two months of earthquakes, ashfall and a growing bulge on the north flank, the timing of the eruption was a surprise. What was […]

How does the excretory system help with homeostasis?

How does the excretory system help with homeostasis? The excretory system works with the endocrine system to help maintain homeostasis. Chemical messengers called hormones signal the kidneys to filter more or less water or salt, depending on the levels of water and salt in the body. For example, when you sweat a lot the water […]

Is apple an example of monocot?

Is apple an example of monocot? The monocot plants have a single cotyledon. They have a fibrous root system, leaves in monocots have parallel venation. They have a tap root system and leaves in dicots have reticulate or net venation. Examples – Beans, cauliflower, apples and pear. What type of fruit is an apple? pome […]

What is DDS in DBMS?

What is DDS in DBMS? The OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS™) is a middleware protocol and API standard for data-centric connectivity from the Object Management Group® (OMG®). The DDS Middleware is a software layer that abstracts the Application from the details of the operating system, network transport, and low-level data formats. What is RDBMS in […]

What are some IT terms?

What are some IT terms? Backward compatible. If software is backward compatible, it is compatible with earlier (superseded) versions of the same software. For example, the Microsoft word-processing program Word 2010 can read files created in the 2003 version of the same program, so it is backward compatible. Bandwidth. What are some of the new […]

Is a second class lever is similar to a wheelbarrow?

Is a second class lever is similar to a wheelbarrow? Terms in this set (8) Newtons’ second law of motion deals with force and its relationship to mass and acceleration. A second-class lever is similar to a wheelbarrow. A first-class lever is similar to a seesaw. Which class of lever is similar to a wheelbarrow? […]

How long is a flight from Virginia to Seattle?

How long is a flight from Virginia to Seattle? Flight time from Richmond, VA to Seattle, WA is 7 hours 21 minutes. How far is Washington State from Virginia by plane? Distance from Washington to Virginia is 217 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 135 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance […]

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