What does the word Merle mean? Merle is a given name used by both men and women. The name is a variant of Merrill or Muriel, influenced by the French word merle meaning blackbird (from the Latin merula). What defines a Merle dog? 1 : a coat color pattern of some dogs (such as the […]
Can you bet on a game after it started?
Can you bet on a game after it started? That’s right: in-game betting. At most sportsbooks, once the game starts, the betting ends (except for things like second-half lines). At sportsbooks operated by Cantor Gaming, once the game starts, the betting has just begun. If you think a team is going to score a touchdown […]
How long does it take 1 comet to complete a single trip around the Sun?
How long does it take 1 comet to complete a single trip around the Sun? Comet orbits Short-period comets need roughly 200 years or less to complete one orbit, long-period comets take more than 200 years, and single-apparition comets are not bound to the sun, on orbits that take them out of the solar system, […]
Is vivisection used today?
Is vivisection used today? The use of vivisection continues today. Researchers today continue to use vivisection; however, they now partially accommodate the protests of its 19th century opponents. Today, we have a better sense of the similarities between humans and the animals used, so the results are more useful. Is vivisection done with anesthesia? vivisection, […]
Can you install a bathtub by yourself?
Can you install a bathtub by yourself? Upgrading your bathtub can drastically improve your bathroom’s appearance and your family’s comfort. Removing a bathtub and installing a new one is an approachable task for many. If you carefully prepare and work with a helper, you can complete this DIY project in one day. How much is […]
When was National Mall created?
When was National Mall created? In 1901, Senator James McMillan of Michigan organized a committee of renowned architects, landscape designers, and artists to create a new plan for the Mall. The McMillan Plan expanded on the original city plan by L’Enfant and created the National Mall that we know today. How long has the National […]
What was the major difference between Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education?
What was the major difference between Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education? The Brown decision was a landmark because it overturned the legal policies established by the Plessy v. Ferguson decision that legalized the practices of “separate but equal”. In the Plessy decision, the 14th Amendment was interpreted in such a way […]
Does the center of gravity always equal the center of mass?
Does the center of gravity always equal the center of mass? In a uniform gravitational field the centre of gravity is identical to the centre of mass, a term preferred by physicists. The two do not always coincide, however. Is the center of gravity of an object always at the center of the object? Even […]
How do I know if I have hemorrhoids or something else?
How do I know if I have hemorrhoids or something else? “Any new rectal bleeding or heavy rectal bleeding, especially in someone over age 40, should be evaluated.” Hemorrhoid symptoms may include finding bright red blood on your toilet paper or seeing blood in the toilet after a bowel movement. Other common symptoms include rectal […]
What are all the square numbers up to 500?
What are all the square numbers up to 500? The perfect square numbers from 1 to 500 are: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400, 441 and 484 : 22 in all. There are 21 perfect square numbers between 1 to 500. […]