What is the present of study? Indicative presentⓘ present simple or simple present I study you study he, she, it studies we study What is the present past present? Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past is used to describe things that have already happened (e.g., earlier in the day, yesterday, […]
Who won the Peloponnesian War and why?
Who won the Peloponnesian War and why? Athens was forced to surrender, and Sparta won the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC. Spartans terms were lenient. First, the democracy was replaced by on oligarchy of thirty Athenians, friendly to Sparta. The Delian League was shut down, and Athens was reduced to a limit of ten triremes. […]
Did Brett Gurewitz leave religion?
Did Brett Gurewitz leave religion? Brett, is an American musician and record producer best known as the lead guitarist of Bad Religion. After releasing two albums and one EP, Gurewitz left Bad Religion in 1983, but rejoined three years later, and recorded five more albums with the band before they signed to Atlantic Records in […]
How do I get my cat to like water?
How do I get my cat to like water? Cats Like Some Water Put kitty in an empty bathtub or sink and play with his favorite toy there. After he’s comfortable in a dry sink or tub, you can start rubbing him with a wet washcloth. Next, add a bit of room temperature water to […]
What type of author is Ian McEwan?
What type of author is Ian McEwan? Ian McEwan, in full Ian Russell McEwan, (born June 21, 1948, Aldershot, England), British novelist, short-story writer, and screenwriter whose restrained, refined prose style accentuates the horror of his dark humour and perverse subject matter. What type of novel is Atonement? Novel BildungsromanPsychological FictionSocial novelDomestic Fiction Atonement/Genres Which […]
What did John Calvin believe about religion?
What did John Calvin believe about religion? John Calvin is known for his influential Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536), which was the first systematic theological treatise of the reform movement. He stressed the doctrine of predestination, and his interpretations of Christian teachings, known as Calvinism, are characteristic of Reformed churches. What were the major […]
How do you get SC fast on MSP?
How do you get SC fast on MSP? Creating movies in MovieStarPlanet is one of the best ways to earn StarCoins, especially if you make a popular movie. Movies with just a couple hundred views can earn thousands of StarCoins. Click or tap the Movies option. This will display the list of top movies created […]
What skills do you need to have to be an animal trainer?
What skills do you need to have to be an animal trainer? The career requirements are lax, but you need a skill set that includes speaking, listening, critical thinking, decision making, time management, problem-solving, and customer service skills as well as physical stamina, compassion, and patience. What makes a good animal trainer? Good trainers will […]
Why was Kwai Chang Caine called grasshopper?
Why was Kwai Chang Caine called grasshopper? Caine was given the nickname “Grasshopper” by Master Po; the reference was from an exchange where the still ignorant young Caine asked the old blind master how he could function without seeing. Po asked Caine to close his eyes and describe what he could hear. Did David Carradine […]
Are hormones are secreted directly into the bloodstream?
Are hormones are secreted directly into the bloodstream? Hormones are secreted from the endocrine glands in the body. The glands are ductless, so hormones are secreted directly into the blood stream rather than by way of ducts. Some of the major endocrine glands in the body include: Pituitary gland. Do all endocrine glands secrete hormones? […]