Can you be in a good relationship with your ex?

Can you be in a good relationship with your ex?

Relationship Experts Say It’s Tricky. It might be doable, but you run the risk of nurturing lingering feelings for your old relationship, or sabotaging a new one. As I expected, they agreed that being friends with an ex while in a relationship can be tricky — but it doesn’t have to be.

How do I have a good relationship with my ex?

10 Tips for Getting Along Better with Your Ex

  1. Be patient.
  2. Seek balance.
  3. Don’t threaten, name call or belittle.
  4. Use soothing words and tones.
  5. Don’t talk business at family gatherings.
  6. Don’t use the kids as leverage.
  7. Don’t flaunt your new partner.
  8. Don’t put down your ex in front of others.

Should I hit up my ex?

Most experts agree: you should not reach out to your ex unless you hope to salvage a treasured friendship. The impulse to reach out to an ex, whether it is because you still have feelings for them, you are seeking comfort and familiarity, or you simply want to know how they are doing, is often a bad idea.

Should you apologize to your ex?

Reaching out to apologize to an ex for your hurtful actions can be really meaningful to them, as long as it’s about making them feel validated and not just about clearing your own conscience. Sometimes it can also be helpful to let your ex know the ways they’ve hurt you.

What should I text my ex?

Here are six simple, direct, and casual ways to start a conversation.

  • “Hey [ex’s name], I was just thinking about you.
  • “Hi [ex’s name], I’ve been doing some thinking and I really regret how things between us ended.
  • “Hey, just wanted to say congrats on your new job!
  • “Hey [ex’s name], it’s been a while.
  • “Hey!

What makes a good relationship with an ex?

You’ll have boundaries and so will your ex. In order to make the friendship work, you will both have to respect each other’s rules. Have an open and honest conversation where you set some ground rules for your new post-dating relationship.

How to make a friendship with an ex?

In order to make the friendship work, you will both have to respect each other’s rules. Have an open and honest conversation where you set some ground rules for your new post-dating relationship. Decide what’s off limits to talk about.

What should I do if I want to get my ex back?

If you want to rekindle things with your ex (which you obviously do or you wouldn’t still be reading), you should go no contact, but save their information. The same goes for social media. Keep them as friends on social media, but mute their profiles. 3. Spend time with friends and family. There was a time before you and your ex knew each other.

Is it normal to Still Love Your Ex?

While it’s completely normal to still love your ex, it doesn’t make for a good foundation of a platonic friendship. Breakups are painful and being friends with someone who you love and can’t be with is hard.

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