Can I use distilled water in my sleep apnea machine?

Can I use distilled water in my sleep apnea machine?

When using a CPAP humidifier it’s important to only use distilled water. Even though tap water straight from the sink is probably more convenient for many CPAP users to access. However, CPAP manufacturers and clinicians recommend that patients only use distilled water in their humidifier chambers for important reasons!

Is purified water the same as distilled water for CPAP machine?

The correct answer – it’s best to use distilled water since it’s pure water. Pure water means all minerals are removed. Whereas purified water means although the water has been filtered, trace amounts of minerals still remain.

Is a CPAP machine bad for your lungs?

Although further study is needed to make any definitive determinations on a greater risk of pneumonia for sleep apnea sufferers, we do know that a CPAP machine, hose and mask that are not well maintained can lead to bronchitis, respiratory and sinus infections as well as pneumonia.

How much distilled water does a CPAP use?

For more confusion, some is actually distilled but the manufacturer adds minerals back in the final product! Usually, the label will say something like, “minerals added for taste.” You should only use genuine distilled water with no minerals in your CPAP machine. Most users opt for 1 gallon distilled water.

Can I use distilled water with electrolytes in my CPAP machine?

Why distilled water for CPAP? The beauty of distilled water is that all the contaminants and minerals have been removed. This makes it 100 percent safe to use in a machine that delivers humidified pressurized air to help you breathe without obstruction at night. This includes vapor distilled water with electrolytes.

What can I use instead of distilled water in my CPAP?

Reverse osmosis is a suitable alternative for distillation to use in your CPAP. Reverse osmosis is 99% purified water. It also has <1 PPM total dissolved solids. If you are using an at-home RO filter, make sure you change the filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

What happens if my CPAP machine runs out of water?

What happens if my water chamber runs out of water during the night? Your device will function normally and safely without water in the water chamber, but it will no longer provide humidification.

Why does CPAP cause weight gain?

Notably, IGF-1 stimulates protein synthesis and maintains muscle mass. Our study and others have reported significant increases in IGF-1 in patients adherent to CPAP. Thus, the restoration of the GH axis and increase in IGF-1 in CPAP adherent patients likely contributed to weight gain and potential increase in LBM.

What happens if your CPAP runs out of water?

How important is it to use distilled water for CPAP?

Distilled Water Benefits. Distilled water will keep your CPAP running smoothly and ensure you’re getting the most out of your CPAP therapy. It will help you receive the correct amount of pressure and prevent bacteria from making its way into your airway.

Where can I find distilled water for CPAP?

Distilled water is recommended for CPAP machines because it is free from bacteria, viruses, and nearly all known and unknown contaminants that can be found in tap water. No one wants to spend the entire night breathing in a mist of bacteria, lead, viruses, or other potential contaminants.

Is it safe to use purified water in a CPAP machine?

Most manufacturers recommend using distilled water in your CPAP. As for whether you’re required to use distilled water in the CPAP humidifier: most manufacturers do recommend the use of distilled water. According to ResMed’s product website, the use of distilled water “will maximize the life of the water tub and reduce mineral deposits.”.

Why should I use distilled water in my CPAP humidifier?

Use distilled water to help keep the humidifier chamber clean and mineral deposit free . Tap water should not be used as it will leave hard white mineral deposits in the chamber as the water evaporates, or it may lead to mold growth. Cases of lung disease have been connected to using contaminated well water in a CPAP humidifier.* Source If distilled water is not available where you live, use bottled water.

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