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At what age can you tell the gender of a turkey?
Trying to determine the gender of your newly-hatched turkey poults can be difficult, but when they are around 3 weeks of age the males (jakes) may begin to strut. You will see them fan their tail feathers, drop their wings and hold out all of their contour feathers to make their bodies appear larger.
How long do turkey chicks stay with their mother?
The young, called poults, are able to fly in three or four weeks, but they stay with their mother up to four months.
Why do turkeys puff up?
Male turkeys fan their tails, drag their wings and puff up their feathers, while circling, displaying their colorful feathers. This is to attract the female turkeys. Their snoods also become longer and red. So basically, turkeys puff up to attract hens during the mating season.
What is a turkey snood?
Snoods can be short, sticking up like a horn, or long, extending past the nose. The fleshy bumps on the turkey’s head and neck are called caruncles. Both male and female wild turkeys have both wattles and snoods, but they are much more prominent and noticeable in males, called toms.
How do you tell the difference between a tom and a hen turkey?
Head: A Tom’s head is usually featherless and can change colors from red, white or blue. A Hen will have a blue head. Both sexes will have the bumpy growths on their heads known as caruncles and both also have a snood – a long fleshy growth that will hang over their bill.
How long do turkeys live for?
Wild turkey: 3 – 5 years
Domestic turkey: 10 years
Where do turkeys sleep when they have babies?
During the first few weeks of life, young turkeys sleep on the ground under their mother’s wings.
When can baby turkeys fly?
When the poults are between 4 and 5 weeks old, they are able to fly 25 – 50 feet and begin to roost in trees with their mother. Turkeys learn from each other, usually by imitating older birds.
How far can a turkey hear your call?
In a big field they will hear you from 400 yards. It sounds like you know where they are and where they are going.