What is D opposite of modest?

What is D opposite of modest?

Opposite of unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements. boastful. egotistical. arrogant.

What is the best antonym for modest?

antonyms for modest

  • immodest.
  • ostentatious.
  • presumptuous.
  • proud.
  • self-confident.
  • unabashed.
  • unashamed.
  • unlimited.

What are synonyms for modestly?

synonyms for modestly

  • humbly.
  • plainly.
  • quietly.
  • simply.
  • bashfully.
  • chastely.
  • demurely.
  • purely.

What is the synonym and antonym of modest?

Antonyms: pretentious, immodest, immoderate, indecent, overweening, important, unlimited, superior, limitless, uppity, proud. Synonyms: low, small, mild, meek, lowly, minor, humble, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sized. modest, smalladjective.

Is Vanity the opposite of modesty?

Option D) Modesty – is the correct answer because the meaning of modesty is ‘the quality or state of being unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or moderation or fairness’ and this is the antonym of the word vanity as they have different meaning or they are opposite in meaning to each other.

What does dressing modestly mean?

The term modest fashion or modest dressing refers to a fashion trend in women of wearing less skin-revealing clothes, especially in a way that satisfies their spiritual and stylistic requirements for reasons of faith, religion or personal preference.

What’s the definition of modestly?

1a : placing a moderate estimate on one’s abilities or worth. b : neither bold nor self-assertive : tending toward diffidence. 2 : arising from or characteristic of a modest nature. 3 : observing the proprieties of dress and behavior : decent.

What is the antonym of gently?

Opposite of gently, delicately or softly. heavily. firmly. forcefully. hard.

What is dressing modestly?

So, just to recap, what is modest fashion and why is dressing modestly important? Modesty means being able to wear appropriate clothing without being too revealing, and at the same time keeping you casually cool and effortless chic while comfortably confident in your own skin without relying on your outfits.

What is to envy someone?

1 : a feeling of unhappiness over another’s good fortune together with a desire to have the same good fortune He was filled with envy on seeing her success. 2 : a person or a thing that is envied. envy. verb. envied; envying.

What is the antonym of modest?

modest, small(adj) not large but sufficient in size or amount. “a modest salary”; “modest inflation”; “helped in my own small way”. Antonyms: immoderate, immodest, important, uppity, unlimited, proud, pretentious, superior, overweening, limitless, indecent. Synonyms:

What is the opposite of immodest?

Antonyms for immodest include ashamed, embarrassed, humiliated, mortified, abashed, chagrined, humbled, guilty, regretful and sorry. Find more opposite words at

What is a modest lifestyle?

modest lifestyle meaning, modest lifestyle definition | English Cobuild dictionary. modest. 1 adj A modest house or other building is not large or expensive. …the modest home of a family who lived off the land…, A one-night stay in a modest hotel costs around £35.

What is another word for modesty?

Dictionary of English Synonymes(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: modesty(n.) Synonyms: unobtrusiveness, meekness, humility, retiring disposition, freedom from presumption modesty(n.) Synonyms: chastity, purity

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