What does does disenfranchised mean?

What does does disenfranchised mean?

transitive verb. : to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity especially : to deprive of the right to vote disenfranchising the poor and elderly.

What is an example of being disenfranchised?

The definition of disenfranchised is having had your rights or privileges taken away, or being deprived of the chance to vote. Felons who are no longer allowed to vote in elections are an example of people who would be described as disenfranchised. Not represented; especially, not having the right to vote.

What are disenfranchised citizens?

deprived of any of the rights or privileges of citizens, especially the right to vote: Given the illegal requirements reportedly imposed at some polling places, we can expect a lot of lawsuits from disenfranchised citizens.

What is another word for disenfranchised?

What is another word for disenfranchised?

powerless weak
impotent helpless
ineffective ineffectual
incapable hamstrung
feeble impuissant

How do you use the word disenfranchised?

Disenfranchised in a Sentence 🔉

  1. In the early days, only white landowners were allowed rights, all others were disenfranchised at the polls.
  2. In the 1950s, authorities discriminated against African Americans and disenfranchised them by requiring them to take a test or pay a fine before allowing them to cast their ballot.

Why do I feel so disenfranchised?

Causes of Disenfranchised Grief Many widespread attitudes and beliefs contribute to disenfranchised grief. Workplace culture. Some jobs involve experiencing intense loss. Emergency medical workers, doctors, therapists, and other professions can expose you to death and loss as part of the job.

What does disenfranchised youth mean?

not having the right to vote, or a similar right, or having had that right taken away: Hundreds of thousands of teenagers and particularly teenage girls are utterly disenfranchised in this culture.

What disenfranchised grief?

What is Disenfranchised Grief? Disenfranchised grief is when your grieving doesn’t fit in with your larger society’s attitude about dealing with death and loss. The lack of support you get during your grieving process can prolong emotional pain.

What is opposite disenfranchised?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for disenfranchised. authorized, entitled, privileged, qualified.

What is a disenfranchised student?

In short, any student who is facing struggles for which assistance exists through established programs and services but does not qualify for or does not know how to access that assistance is disenfranchised.

What is a good sentence for disenfranchised?

Disenfranchised sentence example I believe that many voters are feeling increasingly disenfranchised . Residents will continue to be included on the electoral roll ensuring they are not disenfranchised from voting in any election or referendum in 2006.

What does it mean to disenfranchise someone?

Definition of disenfranchise. transitive verb. : to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity especially : to deprive of the right to vote disenfranchising the poor and elderly.

What is another word for disenfranchise?

disenfranchised, disfranchised, voiceless, voteless(adj) deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote. “labor was voiceless”; “disenfrenchised masses took to the streets”. Synonyms: aphonic, breathed, disfranchised, voiceless, hard, surd, voteless, unvoiced.

What does diffranchise mean?

Disfranchise (verb) to deprive of a franchise or chartered right; to dispossess of the rights of a citizen, or of a particular privilege, as of voting, holding office, etc. Etymology: [Cf. Diffranchise.]

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