How was Penelope loyal in the Odyssey?

How was Penelope loyal in the Odyssey?

Penelope shows her loyalty in several ways. She shows loyalty to Odysseus by waiting for his return for twenty long years. She did not choose a suitor until she knew for sure that Odysseus was dead. He also shows loyalty to Penelope by trying to protect her and keeping the suitors away from her.

How does Penelope manipulate the suitors?

How does Penelope handle the suitors? She has devised tricks to delay the suitors, one of which is to pretend to be weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus’s elderly father Laertes and claiming that she will choose a suitor when she has finished.

Is Odysseus loyal to Penelope?

Odysseus is truly loyal to Penelope because he leaves Ogygia (where he was trapped) as soon as possible, puts all of his effort into making it home to his wife, and even flirts with Princess Nausicaa to get him home. …

Why is loyalty important in the Odyssey?

It is his loyalty to and his love for his family that keeps him going. The Odyssey depicts Odysseus as he overcomes each obstacle through guidance, fate, and loyalty to his family. To Odysseus loyalty is the most important quality. He expects his family and friends to be loyal.

How does Penelope help Odysseus?

Every night for three years, until one of her maids reveals the secret, she unravels the piece that she has woven by day so that she will not have to give up hope for the return of her beloved husband and remarry. When at length Odysseus does return, she makes him prove his identity and finally accepts him.

What is Penelope’s final challenge to her suitors?

The test was that Penelope says that she will marry whichever suitor can string the bow and then shoot an arrow through 12 axe handles. None of the suitors can even string the bow so none of them even gets a shot at the axe handles. So this is a way of showing that Odysseus is much stronger than any of the suitors.

How does Odysseus show loyalty?

Loyalty was shown by Odysseus in that he was very loyal to his crew. An example of this is when Odysseus see Elpinor at Hades and goes back to the island to burry him. He also is loyal when he goes and rescues them from Circe. He could have not buried Elpinor and he did not have to rescue his crew from Circe.

Does Odysseus cheat on Penelope in the Odyssey?

When Odysseus left Ithaca for the Trojan war he was married to Penelope. After that Odysseus traveled to Calypso’s island. Not only did he cheat with Calypso in addition to Circe, but he stayed on her island for seven years until Zeus ordered her to release him.

How does Homer develop his message of loyalty?

Homer develops the message of loyalty by showing loyalty in family, how Odysseus is loyal to his men, and the consequences of being disloyal. One way that Homer develops the message of loyalty is through showing the values of loyalty in family relationships.

What is Penelope’s web in the Odyssey?

Something that is routinely undone and, therefore, never progresses. Refers to The Odyssey, in which Odysseus’s wife Penelope weaves and unweaves Laertes’s burial shroud each day, so as to avoid having to choose a suitor. (She is expected to choose a suitor after finishing the shroud.)

What is Penelope’s role in The Odyssey?

Odysseus’s wife, Penelope plays a crucial role in Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’, with not only providing the motivation for Odysseus’s return to Ithaca, but she is also the center of the plot involving the suitors and the fate of Telemakos and Ithaca itself.

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