What is a antechamber used for?

What is a antechamber used for?

noun. a chamber or room that serves as a waiting room and entrance to a larger room or an apartment; anteroom.

What is a synonym for antechamber?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for antechamber. anteroom, lounge, waiting room.

Is antechamber a root word?

Word Origin. (as antichamber): from French antichambre, from Italian anticamera, from anti- ‘preceding’ + camera ‘vault, arched chamber’, from Greek kamara ‘object with an arched cover’.

What is an antechamber in a tomb?

Measuring twenty-six by twelve feet, the antechamber was the biggest room in the tomb. It held a bewildering array of both secular and religious objects. Three large, animal-shaped couches lined it’s western wall. Stacked over and under them were several royal thrones as well as ordinary wicker stools.

What was in the antechamber in King Tut’s tomb?

The antechamber was the first room that Carter entered. Among its many items included three funeral beds and the pieces of four chariots. The burial chamber contained the sarcophagus and King Tut’s mummy.

What is the opposite of an antechamber?

Noun. Opposite of a passage, hall or room between the outer door and the interior of a building. conclusion. exit.

What does it mean to annex someone?

(Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to attach as a quality, consequence, or condition Many privileges were annexed exclusively to royalty. 2 archaic : to join together materially : unite.

Why is it called a antechamber?

c. 1200, “a room in a house,” usually a private one, from Old French chambre “room, chamber, apartment” (11c.), from Late Latin camera “a chamber, room” (see camera).

What is an anteroom in a castle?

An anteroom is a small room or entryway leading to a larger area. You might wait with a tour group in an anteroom before beginning your tour of a castle.

What is the meaning of the word antechamber?

[an-tee-cheym-ber] See more synonyms for antechamber on Thesaurus.com. noun. a chamber or room that serves as a waiting room and entrance to a larger room or an apartment; anteroom.

What is the meaning of the word anteroom?

Anteroom is a less formal synonym, one that’s often applied to the waiting rooms of professional offices today. Recent Examples on the Web Oregon State Police Captain Tim Fox said law enforcement is looking into how protesters were able breach the door to the capitol’s northwest antechamber.

Is there an antechamber in the Supreme Court?

One expects to find an antechamber outside the private chambers of a Supreme Court Justice or leading into the great hall of a medieval castle.

Which is darker the antechamber or the den?

As the Rabbis say, ‘Repent in the antechamber, that thou mayest enter the room of state.’ The den of the sibyl was much darker than the antechamber; the color of the walls could scarcely be distinguished. Gazonal, horrified by the gaze of Astaroth, rushed into the antechamber, after bowing to the terrible old woman.

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