Where do you go after the 8th gym?

Where do you go after the 8th gym?

You’re supposed to follow Marlon and Hugh down on Route 21.

Where do I go after getting the stone badge?

After you get the Stone Badge from the Rustboro City Gym, you can use Cut outside of battle. Once you have the Stone Badge, teach Cut to a pokémon and you will be able to cut down the trees that block your path. Go into the big building north of Cutter’s house and go upstairs.

Where do I go after Mossdeep City?

When you are ready to continue with the story, go south from Mossdeep City to reach Route 127.

How do you enter the cave of origin?

Cave of Origin is a small cavern in eastern Hoenn. It can only be reached through Sootopolis City. The path directly to Groudon (Omega Ruby) or Kyogre (Alpha Sapphire) is very simple. Just keep going down sets of stairs until you reach the legendary Pokemon.

What is Humilau city based on?

Cumulus humilis cloud
Trivia. Humilau City is primarily named after the Cumulus humilis cloud, which is a fair weather variety of cumulus cloud. Humilis is Latin for humble. It is also a reference to hukilau, which is a method of fishing invented by ancient Hawaiians and is also the name of a beach on the island of Oahu (the Hukilau Beach).

Where is the 8th gym leader Black 2?

Humilau City
Humilau City is the hometown of the eighth, and final, Unova GYM badge. It’s located in the far North Eastern part of Unova. Route 21 is located to the South of the city, and Route 22 is located to the North West….Humilau City.

Pokemon Center
Potion 300
Super Potion 700
Hyper Potion 1200
Revive 1500

What Badge Do you need to use surf?

Before looking for Surf, make sure you have defeated Gym Leader Koga in Fuchsia City, as the 5th gym badge is a requirement for using Surf.

How do you get rock smash in Pokemon Sapphire?

Go east from the entrance and walk behind the fence to reach the hidden X Speed. Go into the house north of there and talk to the guy at the table to get HM06 Rock Smash. After you get the Gym Badge from Mauville Gym, you will be able to use Rock Smash outside of battle.

How do I get hm dive?

After defeating Team Magma and saving the Mossdeep Space Center, go back to the Mossdeep City and enter Steven’s house. Talk to Steven. Steven will thank you for what you’ve done. As a token of appreciation, he will give you HM Dive.

Where is Kyogre in Sapphire?

When Can You Catch Groudon/Kyogre You can catch Groudon/Kyogre if you have defeated the leaders of Mossdeep Gym and defeated the Team Aqua/Magma leader in the Seafloor Cavern. After that, go to Sootopolis City and enter the Cave of Origin and find the legendary on the lowest floor.

Where is Wallace in the cave of origin?

Sootopolis City
Pokémon world locations The Cave of Origin (Japanese: 目覚めのほこら Shrine of Awakening) is a cave near the north end of Sootopolis City. It is guarded by Wallace of Sootopolis Gym and is said to be the cave where life begins.

Where do you get the last badge in Pokemon soul silver?

Surprisingly enough, that’s going to be where you get your last badge. You’re going to head north of Viridian City to the Viridian Forest and make your way through. After you’ve gotten through Viridian Forest, exit and head north where you’ll find Pewter City! The Pewter City Gym leader is Brock, the gym leader of rock types.

How many badges do you get per region in Pokemon?

In the game series, the player may collect 8 badges per region. However, in the anime, other Gyms exist where trainers can collect badges. Some Gym Badges can affect a Pokémon ‘s behavior, making them obedient up to certain levels, though this is only in Generations previous to IV.

Where do you go to get your first Pokemon badge?

Steps After you get your first Pokémon, you want to go to Pewter City to get your first badge. After you’ve gotten through Viridian Forest, exit and head north where you’ll find Pewter City! After exiting the Pewter City Gym and go towards the path to the right of the city where the guy wouldn’t let you go through.

Where do you get the Earth badge in Pokemon gold?

The Earth Badge (グリーンバッジ Green Badge) is given out at the Viridian City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Giovanni. In Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal, the Gym Leader and the one who gives out the badge is Blue.

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