How do you say goodnight in Slovak?

How do you say goodnight in Slovak?

‘Dobré ráno’ – ‘Good morning’, ‘Dobrý deň’ – ‘Good day’, ‘Dobrý večer’ – ‘Good evening’, ‘Dobrú noc’ – ‘Good night’. Generally in Slovak language we use ‘Good day’ – ‘Dobrý deň’ during a whole day and do not distinguish between ‘Good morning’ and ‘Good afternoon’.

What is hello in Slovakian?

Informal Greetings In Slovak

Slovak Language English Translation
Ahoj Hello
Čau Hi

How do you greet someone in Slovakia?

1. Saying hello and goodbye

  1. Hello – Dobrý deň (pronounced DOH-bree deñ)
  2. Good night – Dobrú noc (pronounced DOH-broo nohts)
  3. Yes – Áno (pronounced AAH-noh)
  4. No – Nie (pronounced NYEE_eh)
  5. How are you?
  6. Thank you – Ďakujem (pronounced JAH-koo-yehm)
  7. You are welcome -Prosím (pronounced PROH-seem)

How do you swear in Slovak?

Slovak also swear with “Do Boha! “, “Boha!” which means “God Dammit!” (“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain”) or “Do pekla!” (which means “to the Hell!” or just “Hell!”). There are also a lot of archaic swear words: “Bisťu! “, “Bodaj ho!” but today they are very soft.

How do you say good morning in Czechoslovakian?

Basic Czech Phrases

  1. YES = ANO (ano)
  2. NO = NE (ne)
  3. PLEASE = PROSÍM (proseem)
  4. THANK YOU = DEvKUJI VAM (dyekooyi vam)
  5. GOOD MORNING = DOBRÉ RÁNO (dobrye rano)
  6. GOOD AFTERNOON = DOBRÉ ODPOLEDNE (dobrye odpoledne)
  7. GOOD NIGHT = DOBROU NOC (dobroh nots)
  8. HELLO = DOBRY’ DEN (dobree den)

How do you say Girl in Slovak?

girl in Slovak

  1. dcéra.
  2. deva.
  3. dievča.
  4. dievčina.
  5. dievka.
  6. priateľka.
  7. slečna.
  8. Add new translation.

Can I have a beer please in Slovak?

4. Jedno pivo, prosím [yedno pivo proseem] | One beer, please.

What does PO PICI mean?

Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Pici. Pici is a thick, hand-rolled pasta, like a fat spaghetti. It originates in the province of Siena in Tuscany; in the Montalcino area it is also referred to as pinci. The dough is typically made from flour and water only.

How do you greet someone in Czech Republic?

Hi! “Ahoj” is the most common informal greeting used between friends. “Čau” is more informal than “Ahoj”. “Nazdar” is a less common informal greeting.

How to say hello and Goodbye in Slovakia?

Saying hello and goodbye When you visit Slovakia and say Dobrý deň to the locals, you will immediately gain their hearts. Try to learn and pronounce following greetings: Hello – Dobrý deň (pronounced DOH-bree deñ)

Is the language easy to learn in Slovakia?

Slovakia has a lot to offer to the travelers but unfortunately they may see the Slovak language very hard to learn. But no worries! Our collection of essential Slovak phrases for travelers provides a good overview for your stay in Slovakia.

How to say Dobry Den to the locals in Slovakia?

When you visit Slovakia and say Dobrý deň to the locals, you will immediately gain their hearts. Try to learn and pronounce following greetings: Hello – Dobrý deň (pronounced DOH-bree deñ) Good morning – Dobré ráno (pronounced DOH-brehh RAA-noh)

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