What are the factors responsible for the unequal distribution of resources?

What are the factors responsible for the unequal distribution of resources?

Distribution of resources depends upon number of physical factors like terrain, altitude and climate. Since, these factors differ so much over the earth so the distribution of resources is unequal..

What are the causes of unequal distribution?

Causes for wealth inequality in the United States include differences in income, education, labor market demand and supply, among a variety of others. These cause the wealth gap to increase between upper and lower classes, white Americans and minorities, and men and women.

What are three things that unequal distribution of resources cause?

Poverty, hunger, homelessness, illiteracy, preventable disease, polluted air and water, and most of the other ills that beset humanity have the same root cause: the inequitable distribution of the planet’s wealth and resources.

What are the effects of unequal distribution?

At a microeconomic level, inequality increases ill health and health spending and reduces the educational performance of the poor. These two factors lead to a reduction in the productive potential of the work force. At a macroeconomic level, inequality can be a brake on growth and can lead to instability.

What factors affect the distribution of natural resources?

The distribution of natural resources depends upon number of physical factors like terrain, climate and altitude. The distribution of resources is unequal because these factors differ so much over the earth.

What is uneven resource distribution?

Resources are distributed in different ways and in different amounts throughout the world. Often the result of past geologic processes such as volcanic activity or tectonic movement, this unequal distribution means that various quantities of certain resources are only available to some people.

Which factors are the most important causes of unequal income distribution and why?

Causes for Unequal Distribution. Two major causes for the creation and distribution of wealth and income in the world are government policies and economic markets. As nations industrialize, they tend to move from a manufacturing-based economy towards a service-based economy.

What factors affect income distribution?

In previous literature on factors of income inequality, the factors related to economic development have undoubtedly got most attention. These factors are: a country’s wealth (mostly measured as GDP per capita), economic growth, technological development and the development of economic structure.

What are the factors affecting distribution of resources?

Answer: The distribution of natural resources depends upon many physical factors like land, climate and altitude. The distribution of resources is unequal because these factors differ from place to place on this earth.

What are the pros and cons of inequality?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of inequality? Inequality means there is a gap between the highest income earners and the lowest income earners. (inequality can also relate to wealth)….Advantages of Inequality

  • Incentive effect.
  • Entrepreneurs require rewards.
  • Trickle down effect.
  • Fairness.

What is unequal resource distribution?

Which is an example of the unequal distribution of resources?

Unequal distribution of resources The recent price surge is another sign of the unequal distribution of resources on the planet. It is not likely that people in rich countries will go hungry during the food crisis. This is because people in developed countries spend only a relatively small amount of their income on food.

What are the consequences of uneven resource distribution?

What Are The Consequences of Uneven Resource Distribution? 1 Human settlement and population distribution. People tend to settle and cluster in places that have the resources they need to survive and thrive. 2 Human migration. 3 Conquest, conflict, and war. 4 Wealth and quality of life.

Is the food crisis a sign of unequal distribution of resources?

When the crisis subsided, food prices dropped for several years. However, in January 2011, global food prices reached their highest level ever, according to the FAO. [3] The recent price surge is another sign of the unequal distribution of resources on the planet. It is not likely that people in rich countries will go hungry during the food crisis.

How are non industrialized countries affected by resource distribution?

Citizens of non-industrialized countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia control and consume far fewer of the resources they need for survival and well-being. As a result, their lives are characterized by poverty and a low standard of living.

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