What words ends with ent?

What words ends with ent?

11-letter words that end in ent

  • development.
  • environment.
  • independent.
  • improvement.
  • appointment.
  • achievement.
  • intelligent.
  • requirement.

What are some words that have ent?

16 letter words containing ent

  • intercontinental.
  • representational.
  • undifferentiated.
  • gastroenterology.
  • transcontinental.
  • environmentalism.
  • unrepresentative.
  • underrepresented.

What words end with ate?

Words That End With ATE

  • bate.
  • cate.
  • date.
  • fate.
  • gate.
  • hate.
  • late.
  • mate.

What is the suffix ent?

-ent, suffix. -ent is attached to some verbs to form adjectives with the meaning “doing or performing (the action of the verb)”:differ + -ent → different. -ent is also attached to some verbs to form nouns with the meaning “one who does or performs (the action)”:stud(y) + -ent → student (= one who studies).

What does ent at the end of a word mean?

suffix forming adjectives, suffix forming nouns. causing or performing an action or existing in a certain condition; the agent that performs an action: astringent; dependent. [from Latin -ent-, -ens, present participial ending]

Is there a rule for words ending in ENT or ant?

Rule 3: Use “-ent” if it follows “-id-” If the root word ends in “-id-,” it is much more likely that the suffix will be “-ent” rather than “-ant.” For example: accident.

What words end with ant?

9-letter words that end in ant

  • important.
  • assistant.
  • brilliant.
  • defendant.
  • reluctant.
  • redundant.
  • applicant.
  • compliant.

What words end with ify?

6-letter words that end in ify

  • modify.
  • verify.
  • notify.
  • ratify.
  • purify.
  • typify.
  • codify.
  • pacify.

What does ENT ending mean?

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