What kind of education did Pocahontas receive?
She received instruction in Christianity and learned colonial customs. She was even baptized, taking the Christian name Rebecca. During this period, Pocahontas met another Jamestown resident, John Rolfe.
What is Pocahontas career?
Pocahontas became known by the colonists as an important Powhatan emissary. She occasionally brought the hungry settlers food and helped successfully negotiate the release of Powhatan prisoners in 1608. But relations between the colonists and the Indians remained strained.
Was Pocahontas A ambassador?
Pocahontas (born Matoaka and later known as Rebecca Rolfe) was a Native American woman who is known for helping English colonists in America and for her role as an ambassador between the Powhatan Chiefdom and the Jamestown colony.
When did Pocahontas and her family travel to England?
The Rolfe family traveled to England in 1616, their expenses paid by the Virginia Company of London. Pocahontas, known as “Lady Rebecca Rolfe,” was also accompanied by about a dozen Powhatan men and women. Once in England, the party toured the country.
Who was Pocahontas married to during her imprisonment?
Pocahontas converted to Christianity, was baptized and given the name “Rebecca.” Marriage to John Rolfe During her imprisonment, Pocahontas met widower and tobacco planter John Rolfe.
What was the most famous event of Pocahontas life?
The most famous event of Pocahontas’ life, her rescue of Captain John Smith, did not happen the way he wrote it. Smith was exploring when he encountered a Powhatan hunting party. A fight ensued, and Smith was captured by Opechancanough.
How did Pocahontas return to her father Powhatan?
Some historians have theorized that she died during childbirth, so it is possible that Pocahontas did not leave like most of her half-siblings. Either way, Pocahontas would have eventually returned to live with her father Powhatan and her half-siblings once she was weaned. Her mother, if still living, would then have been free to remarry.