How much should I settle for neck injury at work?

How much should I settle for neck injury at work?

The average workers comp settlement amount for a cervical sprain or strain that resolves within a few months without the need for surgical management and does not affect the cervical spine’s nerve roots is from $30,000.00 to $55,000.00.

What is the average settlement for neck and back injury?

Your back injury settlement or neck injury settlement could be $10,000 or over $100,000 depending on numerous factors. The severity of your injury and the details of your case, along with evidence, can play an important role in what you receive.

What’s the average workers comp settlement for a neck injury?

The average lump sum workers’ comp settlement is about $21,800. That figure represents the general average for all injuries, not the average workers’ compensation settlement for a neck injury.

Is there a weekly rate for workers comp?

Although weekly payments are based on a variable annual rate schedule, you can negotiate a settlement that deviates from it. Following, however, is a summary of the formal rate schedule for 2019. Workers’ comp weekly payments for lost income are designed to replace your lost income arising from your neck injury.

How long do you have to report a neck injury?

You only have 120 days to report a work injury! Do not delay! Workers’ compensation is designed to make it easier and simpler for both employees and employers to resolve compensation issues when an employee suffers a work-related injury, especially something as potentially serious as a neck injury.

What are the most costly workers comp claims?

Neck injuries affecting the cervical spine are some of the most costly workers compensation claims for insurers. Only claims involving head trauma (traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, skull fractures, etc.) and multiple body parts cost insurers more.

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