When someone says good luck What do you reply?

When someone says good luck What do you reply?

The most obvious and basic response to anyone wishing one good luck on any occasion is “thank you” or any of its many variants. “You too” can be added when appropriate, but would not be if the other person is not in the situation, whatever it is, for which good luck is being wished.

What does it mean when someone says good luck?

If you say ‘Good luck’ or ‘Best of luck’ to someone, you are telling them that you hope they will be successful in something they are trying to do. [informal, formulae]

How do you tell someone good luck?

Seven Ways to Say “Good Luck” in English

  1. Good luck!
  2. Break a leg!
  3. Knock ’em dead!
  4. Blow them away!
  5. Best of luck!
  6. You’ll do great!
  7. Fingers crossed!

How do you express good luck?

I wish you luck! Best wishes. You’ll do great! Wishing you lots of luck!

What is the best reply for all the best?

We might say “Cheers!”, or “And you!”

When can I say good luck?

1 —used to say that one hopes someone will succeed We’re sorry that you’re leaving. Good luck in your new job. 2 informal —used to say that one thinks what someone is trying to do is difficult or impossible “I’m planning to ask for a raise.” “Oh, really? Well, good luck (to you).”

How do you say good luck in an email?

Long Good Luck Card Messages

  1. Sending you good vibes and positive energy.
  2. Good luck in this and all future endeavors.
  3. I wish you all the best with this new and exciting adventure.
  4. Wishing you the very best in your new adventure.
  5. I’m rooting for you always!
  6. I can’t wait to hear all about your success.

Can you say good luck to you too?

Good Luck! B. Thanks, good luck to you too! To you too–isn’t used by itself.

What to say when someone wishes you good luck?

The easiest answer is “Thank you!”. For example, if I have a billiards tournament coming up in Las Vegas, and I mention it on my social media page, I may get wishes of “Good luck!”. These wishes are coming from friends who sincerely mean it and I would respond with a “Thank you”.

Where does the saying good luck come from?

The phrase is attributed to Lady Newdigate, based on a letter she wrote in 1789 to her soon-to-be husband in regards to their upcoming wedding day. The bride-to-be wished that they would have many opportunities to return, or “come back to the former position or state,” of the joy of their wedding day.

What does it mean to wish someone luck in Chinese?

The verb 祝 ( zhù) means “to wish,” 你 ( nǐ) means “you,” 好 ( hǎo) is “good” and 运 ( yùn) is “luck.” This is as straightforward as it gets, but it’s not used very often because it sounds “too translated.” Native speakers prefer to use other phrases to wish someone luck, with each one catering to specific situations.

What’s the difference between good luck and an insult?

The tone of voice used by the person wishing it – A sarcastic “good luck” might be seen as more insulting than a sincere expression wishing you fortune. The context in which it was used – Wishing someone “good luck” before a job interview or a performance is probably not meant as being an insult , but as a show of support.

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