How much is an 1899 silver certificate worth?

How much is an 1899 silver certificate worth?

Most 1899 $1 silver certificates are worth around $100 in very good condition. In very fine condition the value is around $165-175. In extremely fine condition the value is around $250-315. Uncirculated bills with a grade of MS 63 can sell for around $525-675.

How much is a silver $2 bill worth?

Most large size two-dollar bills issued from 1862 through 1918, are highly collectible and are worth at least $100 in well-circulated condition. Uncirculated large size notes are worth at least $500 and can go up to $10,000 or more.

Did they make 2 dollar silver certificates?

Large-size silver certificates (1878 to 1923) were issued initially in denominations from $10 to $1,000 (in 1878 and 1880) and in 1886 the $1, $2, and $5 were authorized. The small-size silver certificate (1928–1964) was only regularly issued in denominations of $1, $5, and $10.

What is wrong with the $5 Silver Certificate of 1899?

He is the only Native American depicted on U.S. paper money, but the picture caused ill will as the Series 1899 $5 Silver Certificate pictured Running Antelope as a chief wearing a Pawnee head dress as the original Sioux head dress was too tall for the engraving.

What is a 1899 five dollar silver certificate worth?

Most 1899 series five dollar silver certificates are worth around $450 in very good condition. In very fine condition the value is around $725. In extremely fine condition the value is around $1,500. In uncirculated condition the price is around $3,000 for bills with an MS 63 grade.

Is a $2 silver certificate worth anything?

These silver certificates are typically worth a small premium over face value, with circulated certificates typically selling for $1.25 to $1.50 each. Meanwhile, uncirculated silver certificates can be worth between $2 and $4 apiece.

How much is a 2017 $2 bill worth?

Most 2017A series $2 bills are worth around $4 in uncirculated condition with an MS 63 grade. Bills issued from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis are worth around $20 in uncirculated condition with an MS 63 grade.

What are $2 certificates worth?

The small two dollar bills are either legal tender notes or Federal Reserve notes. The legal tender notes have a red seal, and the Federal Reserve notes have a green seal. Most of the red seal $2 legal tender notes are worth over $10 in very fine condition. In uncirculated condition the value is around $22.

How much is an 1899 $5 bill worth?

Most 1899 five dollar silver certificates are very popular in today’s market. Lower end examples can be bought for less than $300. 1899 $5 bills in perfect condition traditionally sell for $2,000 or more. Things like the signature combination and serial number can add value to an otherwise common bill.

What is the value of a black eagle silver certificate?

Expect to find damage, rust, stains, ink, tears, missing pieces, or other undesirable traits. Prices can be as little as $5 or as high as $30. Black eagles in this grade just aren’t attractive. For an extra $30 you can get a decent looking fine. Very few collectors have to settle for this grade.

What is the value of a silver certificate?

These silver certificates are typically worth a small premium over face value, with circulated certificates typically selling for $1.25 to $1.50 each. Meanwhile, uncirculated silver certificates can be worth between $2 and $4 apiece. Earlier issued silver certificates can be worth much more.

What is a silver certificate dollar worth?

In 1896, the silver dollar certificate contained a unique design that is known as the educational series. The face of the certificate contains a woman instructing a young man. These silver certificates can be valued up to $1,000 if they are in perfect condition. Nov 18 2019

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