Is arsenic a metal or nonmetal?

Is arsenic a metal or nonmetal?

1.2. Arsenic (atomic number, 33; relative atomic mass, 74.92) has chemical and physical properties intermediate between a metal and a non-metal, and is often referred to as a metalloid or semi-metal. It belongs to Group VA of the Periodic Table, and can exist in four oxidation states: –3, 0, +3, and +5.

Does arsenic conduct electricity?

In its most stable elemental state, arsenic is a steel-gray, brittle solid with low thermal and electrical conductivity.

Is arsenic malleable?

An understanding of the chemistry of arsenic is needed to appreciate the toxicology of this metalloid, which shares properties of metals and nonmetals. (A metal has luster, conducts heat and electricity, and is malleable and ductile. Elemental arsenic has a valence state of (0).

When was arsenic banned?

At work. Arsenic has not been produced in the United States since 1985, although it is still imported from other countries. In the past, workers in smelters and in plants that manufactured, packaged, or distributed products that contained arsenic had high exposures from breathing in arsenic fumes and dust.

What does arsenic taste like?

“Arsenic has no taste, smell or color. It is in foods and beverages, drinking water, soil, pressure treated wood and cigarettes. Learn about the potential sources of arsenic in your daily life, and make simple changes to keep your arsenic exposure as low as possible to protect your long-term health.”

Is it illegal to buy arsenic?

Toxic chemicals such as strychnine, arsenic and cyanide are freely available for sale on the internet, leading toxicologists have warned. He trawls the site every day for potential toxins and emails sellers to explain that they are handling illegal substances.

How reactive is arsenic?

Arsenic does not react with air at room temperature without the presense of moisture. With moisture, arsenic reacts slowly forming arsenic (V) oxide. When heated, arsenic ignites, also forming arsenic (V) oxide. As (III) as arsenate is precipitated by silver ions under neutral and alkaline conditions.

Where is arsenic on the periodic table?

Notable characteristics. In the periodic table, arsenic is located in group 15 (formerly group 5A), between phosphorus and antimony. It is thus a member of the nitrogen family of elements, sometimes called the pnictogens (or pnicogens). It lies in period 4, between germanium and selenium.

What is the reactivity of arsenic?

Reaction of arsenic with air Arsenic is stable in dry air, but the surface oxidizes slowly in moist air to give a bronze tarnish and finally a black covering to the element. Arsenic does not react with water in the absence of air under normal conditions. Arsenic reacts with fluorine , F 2, to form the gas pentafluoride arsenic(V) fluoride.

What are the physical characteristics of arsenic?

The physical properties of arsenic depend largely on how it is processed. Natural arsenic features a gray, silvery color, and serves as a highly effective conducting material. It has a garlicky odor, and is chemically stable, yet fairly brittle.

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