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Which fossil is better in Ruby?
Lileep/Cradilly are more defensive stalling type Pokemon. Decent health, moderately high defenses slightly favoring Special Defense. It can have a really irritating movepool, including things like Giga Drain or Ingrain for recovery and Amnesia for even better defense.
How do you get Aerodactyl in Pokemon Ruby?
Habitat. This Pokemon’s fossil can be found after using Rock Smash in Mirage Spots. After obtaining the Pokemon’s Fossil, take it to the scientist in the Devon Corporation in Rustboro City to revive the Pokemon.
Where do you revive fossils in Ruby?
Rustboro City
FireRed and LeafGreen Fossils are obtained the same way as in Generation I, while Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald Fossils may be revived by a scientist in the Devon Corporation building in Rustboro City.
Is Aron weak to fire?
Aron is a rock and steel type Pokémon. steel type pokémons are strong against ice, rock, fairy pokémons but weak against fire, ground, flying pokémons.
Where to find fossil Pokemon in Pokemon Omega Ruby?
The scientist will revive the Pokemon for use in battle. In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, you can find a Root Fossil or Claw Fossil in the desert area of Route 111. Only one can be chosen, and the other will be lost forever.
Can a Root Fossil become an Anorith in Pokemon Ruby?
Only one can be chosen, and the other will be lost forever. The Root Fossil becomes a Lileep, and the Claw Fossil becomes an Anorith . Lileep.jpg. Lileep ♂ or ♀. Level.
Where do you get a fossil reviving machine in Pokemon Emerald?
go to rustboro city and go inside the Devon co.On the second floor,talk to the scientist at the bottom and he says that he has a fossil reviving machine.give him the fossil and come back later with a space in your pokemon party.your fossil will have been revived by then User Info: HyperSpark.