Where does the story of the Trojan horse come from?

Where does the story of the Trojan horse come from?

The story of the Trojan Horse is well-known. First mentioned in the Odyssey, it describes how Greek soldiers were able to take the city of Troy after a fruitless ten-year siege by hiding in a giant horse supposedly left as an offering to the goddess Athena.

What evidence is there that the Trojan War was real?

Most historians now agree that ancient Troy was to be found at Hisarlik. Troy was real. Evidence of fire, and the discovery of a small number of arrowheads in the archaeological layer of Hisarlik that corresponds in date to the period of Homer’s Trojan War, may even hint at warfare.

Which episode was the origin of the Trojan War?

Paris, Prince of Troy, is blown off-course and lands his ship at Sparta – home of Menelaus and his queen, Helen.

What is the history of the Trojan War?

Trojan War, in Greek mythology, war between the Greeks and the people of Troy. The strife began after the Trojan prince Paris abducted Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta. At night the Greeks returned; their companions crept out of the horse and opened the city gates, and Troy was destroyed.

Who invented Trojan horse?

Trojan horse, huge hollow wooden horse constructed by the Greeks to gain entrance into Troy during the Trojan War. The horse was built by Epeius, a master carpenter and pugilist.

What is the fake reason behind the Trojan War?

According to the ancient Greek epic poet Homer, the Trojan War was caused by Paris, son of the Trojan king, and Helen, wife of the Greek king Menelaus, when they went off together to Troy. To get her back, Menelaus sought help from his brother Agamemnon, who assembled a Greek army to defeat Troy.

What archeologist proved that there really was a Trojan War?

This doomed city at the heart of the Trojan War was lost for thousands of years until a team of German archaeologists uncovered the ancient site. Heinrich Schliemann, the German archaeologist, was in Turkey in the late 19th century on an eccentric quest.

Is the Trojan War a true story?

Some experts believe that the Trojan War described in the Iliad never occur, while many others are convinced that the epic is based on real historical events. Because Homer ‘s story is a rare mixture of gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, many people believe that it is nothing but a fictional story.

How did the Trojan War finally end?

The war is partly mythical, with the gods supposed to have taken sides, but it may have been based on a real war in the 12th century BCE. The war was finally ended by the famous trick, the Trojan Horse. A prince called Aeneas escaped when the city was being burnt and went on to become the founder of the Roman state.

What was the turning point of the Trojan War?

The Trojan war is actually a continuous siege against Troy and its neighboring areas. Turning points of the war: The war turned against the Trojans When the Greeks found out that troy was being supplied by its neighboring areas and the the Greeks started attacking them. In this way the Greeks weakened Troy and gained a great amount of resources.

What were the main causes of the Trojan War?

Trojan War. n. The ten-year war waged against Troy by the Greeks, caused by the abduction of Helen by Paris and resulting in the burning and destruction of Troy.

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